chapter 9

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Oikawa stared at the lonely empty seat at the back of the classroom. He paid no attention to his blabbering lovestruck girlfriend. The room was loud with the students' chattering, but he couldn't hear anything.

"Hey, (Best Friend's Name)-chan, what happened to (Name)-chan..?" He trailed off, frowning. The girl laughed loudly.

"Oh, she's probably sick or something, no biggie!" She chortled and continued to talk about whatever she was talking about. Oikawa sighed and laid his head on the cold desk. He thought about her silky (Hair Color) locks and her shining eyes. Her smile was amazing, and it took his breath away.

She didn't smile as much as she used to, he realized. Oikawa thought hard to pinpoint where it started to happen. It was after I wanted to see that movie with her and (Best Friend's Name)..

"Are you still friends with (Name)-chan?" He asked. Her chatter came to an abrupt halt. His lover smiled, almost a smirk and nodded. Oikawa narrowed his eyes but played along.
Oikawa sighed as he grew more and more irritated with (Best Friend's Name)'s constant blabbering and lovestruck smiles. She followed him around like a lovesick puppy. Heck, she even accidentally trails after him into the boys' bathroom!

Practice was over, and his girlfriend had begged him to walk in the park.

"(Best Friend's Name)-chan.. I'm tired," Oikawa tried to smile and persuade her to go home. She stomped her foot and scowled.

"No! I want to go to the park with you!" She crossed her arms and attempted to pout and look cute. Oikawa sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Listen, I've been training and I need some time to rest. We can always go to the park tomorrow," his eyebrow twitched in annoyance and he turned away. "If you want me to walk you home, come on. If you want to go to the park so badly, go by yourself."

Her mouth was agape as she watched his retreating figure. She started cursing under her breath. "Damn, I thought I finally got rid of her.. Even when she's not here, our relationship is still shit."

Oikawa clenched his fists as he listened to his girlfriend mutter. He backtracked to the enraged female, who lit up again after seeing this action.

"Oikawa-kun! So you're coming to—"

"So this was all your doing?" He hissed and glared at her, his brown eyes now cold and hard. "What happened to (Name)?" (Best Friend's Name) only gulped in response and looked away.

"I-I heard she.. Uh, transferred to Karasuno.." She trailed off, meekly looking up to meet Oikawa's scowl. She grimaced, and offered an apology.

"It's over, (Friend's Last Name)-san."
Damn, Daniel! She got a roasted by Oikawa..! If you enjoyed, leave a vote and comment what you think! Share this story if you think your friends will like it! See you next time.

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