chapter 10

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(Name) smiled softly as she walked beside the black haired male. She hummed and her shoulder bumped into Kageyama's. He glanced at her and she returned his look with a grin. His face flushed pink before he shied away.

"Kageyamaaaa!" A loud voice screeched from behind them. (Name) and Kageyama looked behind to see a blurry fuzz of orange zooming toward them. (Name) paled as Kageyama pulled her into his arms, Hinata running past. The shorter boy dug his heels into the ground and skid to a stop.

"Oi, you almost crashed into us!" Kageyama barked and unconsciously petted the female's head. She blushed under his touch and stuttered.

"A-Ah, Kageyama?" He looked at (Name), and she looked at him. Hinata looked at a tree and began chasing a squirrel who threw acorns at him.

"Y-Yeah?" He whispered and leaned in closer. (Name) could feel his minty breath in her face, and flushed at their close proximity.

"Well, uh.." she pushed herself away from his warm hold and tried to suck out the red from her face. "Let's get going!" She held his hand firmly and pulled him to school, slightly struggling. She smiled inwardly, as if her time as Aoba Jousai had never existed. The dazed girl snapped out of her thoughts as Hinata started yelling at them for leaving him behind.

(Name) giggled as she watched Kageyama and Hinata race neck-at-neck to school. She slowly jogged after them, admiring the joyfully sunny day.

She then noticed a (Hair Color) haired girl walking with a familiar tall male. (Name)'s breath hitched in her throat as she tried to look away, pleading not to get seen. She was glad the male duo weren't here, for Oikawa and (Best Friend) would've have spotted her for sure.

(Name) gulped and quickened her pace, not looking back, not even when she heard her name being shouted. The female gulped and ran at full speed, gradually catching up to Kageyama and Hinata.

"Hey, what happened?" Kageyama said gruffly, gently looking down at the troubled female. She was out of breath, holding the taller male's shoulder for support.

"I.. I saw Oikawa and (Best Friend.." (Name) wrapped her arms around his torso, burying her face into his chest. He tried not to blush, and attempted to comfort (Name).

"Well, I saw this quote once.." Kageyama trailed off, looking at the clouds as if they'd give him the said quote. "Oh, it was, 'You shouldn't have to fight for a spot in someone's life. Never force someone to make space in their life for you, because if they know your worth, they will create one for you.'"

(Name) felt like a weight has been lifted off her shoulders, the truth suddenly dawning on her.

"You're right Kageyama! I shouldn't have to care about Trashikawa if he doesn't care about me!" (Name) tried to smile, her eyes lit with a determination. "I have someone else to love me." She hugged Kageyama's arm as she smiled innocently at the flustered setter.

"B-Baka.." Kageyama pried her arm off and lightly shoved the giggling girl away. He looked away and scowled. (Name) tapped his shoulder, and when he faced her, he was met with something warm on his cheek. Before he could register what happened, (Nams) pulled away, shyly smiling. He stood there, dumbfounded.


"You liked it, didn't you?" (Name) playfully slapped his cheek. "It's not the first time, so get used to it, silly."

"(Name)-chan!! What're you doing with Tobio-chan?!" The couple froze, spinning on their heels to face the source of the confrontation. An enraged brown haired setter stood behind them, glowering.
I know author's notes are annoying, so I'll keep it short. Do you like the new cover? What do you think of the story? Feedback would be great. I put in some fluff in there for some people. Like some 'fresh air' from the stuffy angst room.

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