Chapter 5

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Okay, so this update took a little longer than expected. And honestly, its only because I've been kinda busy. So sorry guys! Hope you like it!!


The ceremony was depressing. Everybody is saying goodbye to the fighters who lost their life. We all wish the friends and families out condolences. And seems everybody wished me a condolence as well. Considering I know everybody in the pack personally. I had to hold back tears a few times, not wanting the pack to see their alpha in tears. Nick’s pack attended our ceremony and of course, Nick was by my side during the entire thing.

When it came time to eating, I wasn’t very hungry, as were some others, while everybody else pigged out. Nick went and got himself a plate of food, and upsettingly he came back with two. He placed a plate of food in front of me and I scowled at him.

“You have to eat something” he says not taking a no for an answer.

“No I don’t, and unless your strapping me in my seat and feeding me like a baby, I’m not eating.” Well I regretted saying that almost immediately. Because he had a smirk on his face as he stood and walked around me.

“Nick, you touch me and you will be wearing this food instead of eating it.” He paused to consider what I was saying. But his persistence and a little bit of pride I think, kept him coming towards me. He didn’t believe I would do it. Shouldn’t he know better by now? I position myself when I feel his hand touch my side and I fling my plate, smashing him and his clothes in food.

“I told you so” I smirk at him walking away to my room. I couldn’t stand being out here anymore. The pain of knowing we lost these many wolves has been eating at me ever since I woke up from my two-week slumber. I haven’t been able to sleep well, constantly tossing a turning. So I should be paying more attention to my surroundings because I didn’t hear him coming up from behind me.

Nick grabs my arms and twists me around, amusement and irritation in his eyes. Until he sees my face, and his face automatically drops and turns to concern.

“Not right now” I brush him off and keep walking, but he just follows me. I reach the stairs and thoughts bombard me. Every thought everybody was thinking, I literally was hearing 400 thoughts. Everybody in my pack, every single one of their thoughts that was happening right now. But I didn’t get any of it, it caused a huge headache and caused my vision to go black. I stumble backwards my hands on each side of my head. Crying out in pain as it happens. I feel Nick grabbing my arms and speaking to me, but my eyes are squeezed shut, and with all the thoughts going through my head I couldn’t hear barely what he was saying.

I peek my eyes open and look at him, his face is in a panic concerned for what was happening to me. I see his eyes wide and looking my in the eye. He cries out for somebody to help, slowly everybody is starting to show up at my side.

“Stop!” I scream. The majority of the thoughts are on me, and why I'm acting like this. All concerned thoughts though, I didn't not once hear a rude one. 

“Everybody think of the song “Amazing Grace” and start singing it! Think of nothing else!!” I yell, my head was killing my, soon everybody was thinking of the lyrics, they all had confused faces on them. Soon all I hear are the lyrics flowing in my head. Then every thought shuts off and I hear a dark chuckle. I shoot my eyes around trying to find where the sound came from when I realize, that the dark chuckle was inside my head.

I look at Nick, I was scared, and he could see it. Which caused him to become frightened. Plus he could feel a fraction of my pain and fear due to our mate bond. As soon as we actually mate, he will feel everything I feel and vice versa, but with pain and fear like this, it's less for the other. It will always be less no matter what kind of feeling actually.

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