Chapter 7

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Okay first off... PLEASE forgive me for not posting when I said I would. I know that I'm really late and behind. I really have no excuse except for that, I'm addicted to this game called 'The Conduit'. Like, I can't stop playing, this game will be the end of me really. Anyways, I promise I won't let this happen again! 


 I’ve been lying awake on my bed for hours just thinking, thinking about the vampires, thinking about Selene and what this will mean for my pack, and the Vampire and Werewolf kingdom. Selene and Mark, that’s the last pair I would think. I haven’t said a word to anybody all day, Nick had to leave to take care of pack business but he wants to talk to me once he’s done.

I’ve kept my mind link open and I’m listening to everybody’s thoughts at the moment. Looking for any concern or secret somebody could be hiding. But nothing bad so far. I sigh heavily and get up. I shower and get dressed, pull my hair up into a donut bun and sit back down on the bed.

I hear a knock on the door and my wolf gets excited.

“Come in” I stare at my feet as I say it. Nick walks in and sits next to me.

“Can we talk?” he says so gently it causes a shiver to go down my spine. He pulls me onto his lap sideways and lifts my chin up so I can see his face. He seems taken back at the emotion running through my face and eyes.

“What is it?” I ask him.

“We should get married before we actually do the- uh, uhm. Mating ritual,” he pauses, “but we need to be in contact. And well, I really want to mark you badly.” His last sentence husky, his eyes are growing to a dark deep blue showing that his wolf is starting to take over.

“Nick, I-“ I whisper. I want him to mark me, and you know. There is nothing wrong with it, and with my idea, everything will work out perfectly.

“Okay Nick” I smile at him. I’m kind of overwhelmed right now by everything that was happening right now. But this, this is great.

His nose grazes the side of my neck, inhaling my scent. He kisses the spot he will mark me, the spot when my neck and shoulder connect. That’s where he’ll mark me.

“Ready?” he asks, his eyes are showing that he’s fighting with his wolf for dominance. I just nod my head and tilt my head to the side, leaving the side of my neck open for him.

I feel him bite into my skin drawing blood and searing pain goes through me, causing my to grit my teeth and everything in me not to cry out. But it leaves as soon as it comes; replacing the pain is pure pleasure that shoots through me. He licks the blood from the mark he made and looks at me. I smile at him; already my scent is changing, and so is his.

I feel an opening in my mind and I can now read his thoughts, and he can read mine.

About time we have a mind link he says to me as he holds my face in his hands. I smile and hug him. Burying my head into his chest and inhaling his scent. My wolf was going crazy right now wanting to complete the mating process.

Jen we got a problem Jasmine pops in my head. I groan and stand up.

What is it Jaz? Nick is looking at my confused and I just hold my finger up towards him telling him to wait.

We’ve just been alerted that rouges have been spotted on the edge of our territory. There not the ones from before, there are 4 of them. Two are male, the other two female. I think about this for a moment looking at Nick who seems to be now talking through a mind link too.

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