Chapter 16

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Okay, a chapter is WAYYY overdue right now, and I know you all probably hate me.. Because I left you guys at a really horrible part. And to make things worse, this will be like the shortest chapter known to man kind. BUT more coming your way I promise you that. Hope you enjoy!!


Guilt, grief, and sorrow is all I feel. Nick is trying to get me to speak, trying everything in his might to get me to speak to anybody really. I walk around in a daze, feeling totally lost. I’m the reason my precious Myra is gone. Everything is my entire fault, its all my fault, and I can’t seem to get over that fact. Nick has tried and tried to console me. But even my wolf wants to shut him out; it’s a horrible feeling, not being able to seek help in your own mate. But the guilt of losing his child is just eating me up.


“Jennifer!” Nick says in a panic barging into our room. I jump up out of bed in a panic.

“What?” the panic in his voice scares me. I can’t handle anything more; it’s just too much.

“The pack doctor, she was just spotted taking Myra outside of the lands, and they claimed they saw her alive, Myra is alive.” Without another word I’m flying out the door and commanding every fighter, hunter, tracker we have to start searching that moment.


Hours or days, I have no idea how long we’ve been searching. But I refuse to stop. I swear the moment the pack doctor is found, she is going to die a slow, painful death, and she’ll regret what she did. Mark my words; I swear on Myra’s precious life, if anything happens to my baby girl, that woman will regret the day she was born.

Are there any new findings? I question my pack. All I get is no, no, and more no’s. My baby girl is out there somewhere and I have no idea where. I’m starting to panic, she’s not dead, and I can’t see her. I might just go insane, and Nick, well as much as he’s trying to keep me calm, I can feel how pissed, and scared he is. It’s not fair, out of all people, why did we have to be chosen? Haven’t I had enough heartache?

“Looking for someone?” a dark voice speaks behind me. Spinning around I come face to face with the most horrible scene ever. Ron is holding Myra in his arms. Everything in me is fighting to keep myself from launching at him and tearing him limb to limb for even looking at her.  

“I’ll give you whatever you want, just give her back” I try to hold back the snarl in my voice. I’m still weak from the beating I took from him. But my love for Myra and the need to have her in my arms is stronger than any pain I could bear.

“You my dear have given me everything I need, and you will never see your little girl again” with those words, a transporting vampire appears next to him and zaps them both out of there.

Ron has Myra and with those few words, my pack goes into utter chaos. I hear the thunder of wolves paws heading towards the pack border, I know where they all are going, but knowing Ron, he’s moved his coven already. No way would he tell me that and then go pack. No, he’s gone, and Myra, my little girl, is gone with him.

Nick appears at my side soon in his Black wolf while I just stare at him, all my pack goes past us charging to his now empty coven. We both know, all the hope and happiness in his eyes are gone and replaced with sorrow and anger, and I’m sure mine aren’t any different.

They’re gone Jasmine informs me. But of course, I already knew that. No traces of where they went. Figures, I mean, some can teleport, don’t see how that could leave traces.

Myra, wherever you are, no matter what, I’ll find you. I promise you that. We didn’t have time to build up a mental connection that would’ve happened over the period of a week of having her. But that little mental promise to her, I will fulfill. And if anything happens to her before then, the person causing it, will pay, big time.


I should add that this chapter is unedited, and totally bombs I know. BUT HEY MYRA ISN'T DEAD!! :D You love me again right?? No? Okay.. I know, its because I made you think that for so long. But hey, writers block is a witch, but with a b. hehehe well I love you all for sticking through this story. 

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