Chapter 17

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Okay.. I'm going to just apologize. I suck, and I'm pretty sure none of you are even going to read this chapter besides my cousin because I make her. Buuuttt *sigh* oh well. My own fault for making such a dreadful story and not updating like ever. Well here's the final chapter, BECAUSE I am going to give you all an ending. Then I'm re-writing the entire thing, sound good? I need to know guys. LIke really, would y'all read it if I re-did the entire thing so it would be better?? Let me know in the comments below!


*8 Months Later*

We've given up searching just a couple days ago. Ron and his coven are nowhere to be found, and I know he's going to be doing something with my baby girl. We'll just have to find out and see how everything turns out. I mean, we haven't given up, given up. But our non-stop constant search for her has slowed, and now its just us trying to survive and move on, while we also run our pack. My poor baby girl, I'm so sorry.

I know the moment we find her, it'll be a joyous moment. But until then, we've got to keep our heads strong, we've appointed a team to keep searching, thats their purpose, we have the best trackers, hunters, and fighters put together searching. They let us know every detail they find, we've had three leads that take us to once inhabited places. Ron is one step ahead of us, and its driving us crazy. 

I know one thing is for sure, that we will never ever totally give up unless we actually see her dead. Knowing she's alive has given us hope, and we can't wait to see her again. 

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when Jasmine walks into Nick and I's office where we're currently going over our teams work on finding Myra. 

"What's up?" I raise my head from the papers and maps. 

"Nothing much, just was wondering if you and Nick were up for dinner at our place?" She glances around. She's hiding something I can tell. 

"How about you just tell me whatever you're planning on telling me at dinner, now, and not make us wait." giving her a blatent stare. There's no hiding anything from me, especially lately when I've been extra observant of everybody. She just stands there and stares at me, contemplating telling me now, or later. Heaving a sigh, she gives in. 

"One of the border patrols came over and gave me this," she pulls out a piece of paper from her pocket, "they said they didn't give it to you both because they were afraid of your reaction." Her eyes are sad, and I'm scared to open it. 

Taking the letter I glance at Nick who is studying me. Taking a deep breath I open it slowly, shaking in anticipation. 

"Sweet Jennifer, 

I have beeen watching you and your packs puny attempts at trying to find us and get your precious little girl back. But fear not, I won't harm her, I'll only raise her to hate her own kind and kill every single one she comes across. Now, it'd be in your best interest if you did indeed give up your search. You may not know it, but I always have eyes on everything your doing, and every attempt, every move you make. Will be countered, and I have to say, if you keep this up, I might end up having to kill this little girl sleeping to my right. Your choice. 

With Love, 


Crumbling the paper in my hands I let a growl so loud the walls shake. 

"DAMMIT!" I scream slamming my hand down on the oak desk. Nick looks pissed, scary pissed. No wonder the patrol guard didn't want to give it to us. I'd want to rip open his throat for not finding the person who put it there. 

"Well what the hell are we going to do now!?" Nick fumes. 

"I vote we start having our meeting elsewhere, and we make everybody believe the search is off, the only people who will know will be, me, my mate, my brother, eric, and maybe you two?" Jasmine querys, unfazed by our anger. Of course, she's seen me pissed plenty times, and Nick doesn't scare her. 

"We keep searching, and I want that bastard to know we are. He won't kill her, he knows she's to much of an advantage on us."

"I agree, we keep searching, but I think we should do it in secret now." Nick says grinding his teeth. 

After dinner Nick and I head to our room. I stand there staring out the window, and I can feel Ron watching me. He's here somewhere, but it's pointless to try and find him, I look up to the moon and sigh as Nick wraps his arms around my waist. 

"We'll find her, we will." he whispers into my ear. But he sounds like he's more talking to himself than anything else. Closing the shades, I pull him to the bed and we lay there and hold each other. As Nick drifts off to sleep I stare at the ceiling, thinking about that letter.

"One way or another, I will find you Myra. I promise you that" I whisper closing my eyes dozing off to sleep for the night.



Okay, so yeah.. Crappy, crappy, and more crappy. But I wanted to give you all closure to the book before I delete it and fix it all up and repost it all. I do hope that when I do repost it and re-write the entire thing, that you'll read it. After all, it will be MUCH longer, WAY better, and well. A better plot line and everything. Love you guys, thanks for sticking through :D

Don't forget to.. 




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