Chapter 13

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So yeah I finally updated! Fillers are SO not my thing... Anyhow... Heres the filler...


Everything in that moment froze. I felt like I couldn’t breathe, whilst Nick was the complete opposite. Jumping for joy, of course that changed when he saw me. He went from overly excited, to worried.

“Jenabelle, what’s wrong sweetheart? You’re so pale,” Nick points out as he rubs circles on my back.

“I’m not ready for a baby, we aren’t ready for a baby.” My voice shakes, what about the war going on, what happens if Ron finds out? Will he just try to kill me then? What if he tries to kill our child? Everything here could go wrong.

“Jen, don’t think like that!” obviously he was in my head.

“Nick! Our child doesn’t need to be born in a full out war, our child is going to be born in little over three to four months, I’m scared Nick,” I whisper “I’m scared for your life, and this child inside me” my hand goes to my stomach. Nick gets on his knees in front of me and takes my hands in his.

“Jennifer, I know its not the best timing right now, I know that we should’ve been more careful. But there is no going back, and we have to make the best of things okay? I’ll call the doctor in and tell her that your pregnancy is confidential, and that nobody is to know about it. That way there is no chance of Ron finding out, okay?” I sit there for a moment thinking, staring down at him with such a love inside me; I know that he won’t let anything happen.

I nod slowly and bring his face to mine; we share a gentle kiss, exchanging our love, fear, and adoration for each other. We only break because the pack doctor walks back in. Nick then tells her that nobody is to know about my pregnancy. She quickly agrees without complaint.


Dinner that night was interesting; Jasmine was giving me weird looks, and smelling the air around me. So when Nick and Drew walk out of the room she practically jumps me, “Okay, you better tell me why you smell so different!” My eyes grow wide and I shrug.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about” I quickly respond. Avoiding her eye contact. She sniffs the air again and grabs me by my shoulder, turns me around swiftly in my chair, and stares at me. Like she’s analyzing an opponent. Hey eyes grow wide and realization hits her.

“Your not, are you, could it be?” she babbles. I just giggle and nod my head.

“Yes Jasmine, I’m pregnant” and in that moment, my best friend releases the most girly high pitch scream, it echo’s through our house as she pulls me into a death grip hug. Not a few seconds later Nick and Drew come charging in here looking ready to fight.

“What on earth is going on here?” Nick booms.

“Jasmine decided to scream over my pregnancy,” I try to say, but Jasmine is squeezing to hard. She’s actually cutting off my circulation, which causes me to growl. She jumps back with wide eyes.

“The baby, I do need to breathe in order for it to grow,” I point at my stomach.

“Oops” she mutters before going back to jumping up and down. Drew just claps Nick on the back saying congrats.

“This is not to go past us” I speak over Jasmine’s squealing that she’s going to be a godmother.

“What! Why?”

“Because of the demon that keeps trying to take me” I growl, not at her, but at the thought of Ron trying to take me again. Nick tenses in my peripheral, but who can blame him.

“Oh yeah, don’t want that vermin finding out, wait, how are you keeping him from knowing since he’s always in your head?” Jasmine, points out.

“I’m just going to have to build up my mind block, let’s just hope he doesn’t pressure to much,” I mutter. We all continue on with dinner and conversations. Jasmine and Drew head home to the second pack house while Nick and I head to bed.

“I don’t know about you, but I’m wiped” I mumble through a yawn. Nick chuckles and scoops me up into carrying me into our bedroom bridal style. With a laughing mate the entire way.

“Nick!” I squeal, “Put me down!” of course he just pulls me closer to him and charges into our room. He throws me onto the bed, and let me just say, that was terrifying excitement, but somehow, he’s on the bed before I hit the bed and he catches me. He pulls me into a kiss almost immediately, with me on his lap, and his arms wrapped around me, sharing each other’s kiss, is all just pure bliss. The tingling, the love, the affection, all for each other, just awes me every time. We have to pull apart before it gets to heated, due to the fact that I’m already pregnant. We fall asleep in each other’s arms, and I’ve never felt so safe in my life.


Okayy! So? Yeah... filler. BUT I LIKE THIS FILLER... Its nice, and Ron does not ruin any moments XD Whilst I'm not sure how long this chapter actually is, and if it's okay to even call it a chapter because of how dang short this thing is! 

ANYHOW! I have a few surprises set for ya'll here in a few chapters. ;) 

Don't Forget To...




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