Its Done

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Chapter 8:

Somehow I landed at Stone Lake sitting on one of does big rocks. I starred at the lake, and the ducks, everything around me. I was trying to comprehend what in the world happened.

Why? why did I kiss Lucas!! his my friend. one of my closest friends. sure he flirts with me and at times I might flirt back. but it had never came down to kissing. especially when it was me who was kissing him!

I sighed burying my head on my hands. Why why why why why!!!

"Darcy" I instantly turned around surprise. There he was. standing in front of me. I froze, not been able to move a single bone in my body.

"what are you doing here" I asked shocked.

"I wanted to talk to you.. somehow I knew you were going to be here"

"um.. yeah I needed to do some thinking"

"do you always come here when you need to think?" he sat down on the rock his hands inside his jean pockets

"actually now that I think about it. yeah I do" I sat next to him looking down at the dirt.

"I see"

we stayed quite or a little. I refused to look up at him.

"why wont you look at me?" Derek asked

"Um.. I don't know"

"Darcy.. Please look at me"

it took me a while to look up, but eventually I did. it felt as if the air was sucked out of my stomach as my eyes met his big hazel ones. we stayed there looking at each other for a long time, just taking each other in.

his dark hair made his skin look paler yet still cute. his hands were still shoved inside his jeans. how? how can someone so.. so handsome be my mate. someone like me?

"So umm.. what did you have to talk to me about?" I said breaking the silence looking back down. He kept his focus on me though.

"I umm.. I" He sight getting off the rock standing in front of me. "Look! I cant stay away ok! I just cant! Every second i'm not with you, my wolf itches to get out. I cant concentrate on school. I cant do shit. all I think about his having you with me! and I cant stay away"

I looked up at him. "I know the feeling" I replied. "but you have to understand Derek! I cant leave my pack! I just cant!"

"Well I need you with me Darcy!"

"You'll be better off without me"

"You and I know that's not true.. Sooner or later were not going to be able to control our wolfs and things are going to get messy"

he was right. our wolfs would just get angry  and go wild if were not together. "I know" I sight.

'You need me, as much as I need you Darcy"

"Derek.. please!"

He looked at me for a long time, like if he was searching for something that he couldn't have. Then he meet my eyes again. his big hazel eyes locked mine, and it felt like everything was going to be ok. I wanted to stay like this, and my wolf agreed on that as well. but I couldn't. I blinked facing the ground yet again.

"but your my mate" he finally said. he rushed to my side pulling me into him. "And I cant let you go"

"You don't understand Derek I-" before I even had the chance to explain, his lips crashed into mine and I swear call me corny, call me a total girl. but this kiss. this kiss was something I've never felt in my life. it was tender and sweet, with a hint of passion in there. his lips and mine were a perfect match.

my wolf howled in happiness as I caved into it, wrapping my hands around his neck as he sat me down on the rock we were sitting before. his hands gently maid there way to my hips pulling me in closer.

it felt like centuries had passed when we finally pulled away, both our breathing unsteady. he stayed like that for a minute or two. just looking into each others eyes, as if we were the only two people left in this world.

"Promise me" he said as he tried to control his breathing "Promise me you wont ever tell me to stay away....I don't want to stay away, and I know you don't want to ether." he planted another kiss on my lips. "Please promise me Darcy.. promise me that we'll try to make things work"

it took me a while to finally answer him, "I... I...I promise" despite what would happen if my brother and mom found out. despite what the packs enforcers might think. and despite what my friends would say if they found out. I needed him in my life. He was my mate, and I needed him by my side.

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"You know, its verily the second day back to school and I've already missed school. I haven't even entered my 4, 5, or 6th period." I said as me and Derek laid on the grass, playing around with each others hands. it was about 5 p.m which meant school got out about 2 hours ago.

I really need to start going if I want to graduate on time.

"Yeah, I haven't gone ether. and I don't get why I should go, I mean I'm the dam alpha I shouldn't even be going to school" I laughed as he said his words.

"So what happened? I mean aren't you suppose to turn an alpha when your 21? unless something tragic happens to the former alpha?"

"yeah" his body stiffened when I said the words.

'So what happened?" he turned his head to look at me, my body compare to his was so tiny.

I felt to delicate and fragile next to him. if it was with somebody else, I would've hated it, I would of probably left by now. but not with him.

All of a sudden something weird happened. his breathing started to get heavier and his eyes looked like if they were about to fall out of his eyes. and his hands, his hands turned into fist. he looked at me with a frown, and then looked at my neck.

"Who gave you that?" he said in between his gritted teeth.

"Gave me what?"

"THAT!" he screamed getting up turning his back to me. what was his deal? we were just fine like what 5 seconds ago? then it hit me.


our kiss. and how roughly he kissed my neck. I knew exactly then what I had that he was so mad about.

"Derek" I stood up walking over to him touching his shoulder. only for him to remove it a second later. "Derek its not what it looks like."

"It looks like someone gave you a hickey....and someone did give you a hickey right?"

I sight, I couldn't say no, because it did happen "yes"

this time he turned to me, only that his eyes were glowing red. "so that's the reason right!!! it was never because of the packs!! it was because of him right!!"


"Of course it was!!"

"It wasn't because of that!!"

"Then tell me why you hook up with some other guy then!"

I opened my mouth, but no words came out. I didn't know why I kissed Lucas. that was the reason why I came here.

"yup, that's what I though" without another word he stormed out.

"Derek...Derek wait!!" but he didn't reply, he just kept walking leaving me here alone.

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