Testing my limit

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"So what am I suppose to do? Just seat around and wait for another person to get injured?" I said furious as I stared at the counsel. Once I got to the meeting we talked about the usual boring things, how to keep the pack protected, and stuff like that. Then these news arouse, and I was livid. Someone had trespass our properties and injured one of the wolfs, my first instinct was to go after that guy and kill him for hurting one of my own, I'm suppose to be protecting them you know. But the counsel told me otherwise.
"We don't know what it was, from what we know it could've been something else" one of the counsel members spoke.
"Something else? And what makes you so sure?"
"We all need to just calm down and think things threw before taking harsh measures."
"What we need to do is go after whoever did these!"
"Derek you need to calm down!"
I took a couple of breaths and settled down.
"Okay what should we do?" I asked.
"Well first think out on who would do these and why?"
I didn't really have any idea as to who would do such a thing to my pack.
"Derek we were informed that you had an altercation with Mason, the alpha of the essence pack is that correct?" One of the counsel member added
"Yeah so?" I asked confused.
"Well do you think that his pack could've possibly done that?"
I thought about it. Could it possibly be it? No, no way. What happened between me and mason was over Darcy his sister, my mate not something else to provoke him into hurting one of my.
"I don't think he would do that?"
"We are getting as strong as the essence pack and maybe mason senses that you don't think he'll try to hurt one of the pack just so he can be on top?" A counsel member asked, he was short and had a bold head. The thought lingered in my head. Wolfs get to get very competitive when it comes to power, everyone wants to be on top. But would Mason do such a thing just to keep his power? Or maybe not just that maybe he would of done it to warn me to stay away from Darcy?
"I don't know" I said thinking things threw.

"Ugh I'm not going to ever pass chemistry" Scott said as he threw his book to the ground.
"Come on you just need to study a bit more" I responded.
"It's a waist of time I mean I'm not going to be a scientist so why bother?" He gave me a blank stare. I giggled and threw a piece of popcorn at him.

Scott had came over for tutoring as our midterms were almost here. He was a bit slower than the rest of us when it came to school, but it's okay everything evened out when it came to the battle field, he was a strong fella.
My phone buzzed with Derek's ringtone and I reached for it but Scott got it before me.
"Who is texting us?" He said
Panic rushed through my body and I jumped at him to retrieve my home "GIVE IT BACK SCOTT!" He pushed me away and ran with my phone, me rushing in back.
"What are you hiding? Now I have to know"
"I MEAN IT!! GIVE IT" I jumped at him with all my force, as strong as he was, I was stronger and I tackled him to the ground, retrieving my phone from his hands.
"Ouch! That's not fair you have that wolfie power I don't" he said getting up rubbing his head
"Wolfie power?" I rolled my eyes and shoved my phone in my pocket knowing dam well if I replied to Derek he would of snagged The phone again. I know what he was talking about, as I said before, my wolf is Different than the others more powerful, graceful.
"You know what I mean" Scott said going back to the popcorn. "Do you even change into your wolf?"
" a couple times, my mom suggest me not to, she's worried someone might see"
"I don't think it's a big deal, just because your bigger and more powerful and strong, I mean other than that you're still a wolf right?"
I rolled my eyes "of course I'm still a wolf, but some people I guess find us dangerous"
"I think it's pretty cool, and please Darcy. You? Dangerous?" I let out a giggle. I rolled my eyes at him.
"Shut up" I punched his arm. As he winced.
"All I'm saying is I think it will be more fun for you to turn then you can join us when we all compete with one another"
My pack as I said before is one of the strongest, people wonder why because we are a mix of born wolfs and turned as some packs exclude there turned wolfs because they are 'weak' but I don't think that's true. I mean Liz is turned and she is a beast at fighting. But it's mostly strong because of me, no one knows it though except my pack. Every month when there's a full moon that's when we are at our strongest, that's when my wolf tries to itch it's way out of me. But anyway, on that day my pack gets together and competes against one another. There's racing, hunting, and fighting. It's all fun and games. But since my pack is mostly older people soon they are going to give the thrown to us; Scott Brian Lucas Liz and the rest so it's kind of a way of finding out who is best fit for the positions taken place in the pack. I always stay out of the games because there a lot more wolfs running around than just us and I'm scared for them to see me.
I don't really know what to call my wolf, in the legends they would call then Loki wolfs, as Loki is a mythology God who was strong and powerful. But a lot of people are scared of us as we can cause a lot of damage as well and in result try to kill us, which is why my mom wants me to stay hidden.
* * *
Scott left after our long study session, I cleaned the house a bit and then hoped in the shower. I let the hot water hit my back.
What will happen when I become alpha? I mean it's clear my brother is the alpha and the spot will be given to me. But what will happen when they find out I can't partner with my mate as he's already an alpha for another pack. What will the counsel do then? Will they tell me I can't be alpha? Or will they make me reject Derek?
I don't want to reject him, his mine.
I got out the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. I brushed my hair slightly and washed my face and stepped out.
I gasped as I saw Derek sitting on the edge of my bed.
"What are you doing here?" Asked.
"You weren't answering my calls" he said as he stood up getting closer to me.
"I was in the shower"
"I know I can tell" he pulled me into him and kissed me passionately.
"You look good in a towel by the way" he smirked.
Blood rushes to my cheeks I had forgotten I was just in my towel.
I tried to pull away so I could change but he didn't let me. "Don't" he said.
He slammed me to the wall and started kissing me harsh, I was surprised but kissed him back.
Things where getting heated up, next thing I new I was ripping his shirt off I looked at his body. So cut and sculptured. He kissed me again harsh and carried me to my bed, my wet hair damping the pillows. He kissed my neck as I wrapped my legs around him. The towel unrolled from my body but still covering me. I was naked under these towel and yet I did not care. Derek took off the sweats he had on, they were grey. He pushed his body to mine as I let out a small moan. I kissed his neck harshly making his groan.
Was I ready to give myself to him? Yes I was. He was my mate and wether I liked it or not I was falling for him as a person as well.
But was I ready to imprint? No. I was already lying to mason about Derek just being some guy and that I wasn't going to talk to him. It was already hard hiding that from him and not being able to see Derek as much but imprinting would make everything even harder.
"Derek stop" I am said stopping him. We were both breathing heavy.
He looked at me and I knew he understood what I was thinking. He pecked me on the lips one more time and sat up
"I can't say I wasn't enjoying it" he said with a smirk.
I rolled my eyes and threw him his shirt. I wrapped the towel around me and headed to my drawers and took out a pair of pjs. I went to the bathroom and changed into them.
When I came back Derek was laying down on my bed.
I got under the covers and snuggled next to him. We stayed like that for about an hour or so.
"Why did you come?" I asked curious.
"I was going to ask you something but we kinda got caught in the moment"
I blushed slapping his arm playfully and sat up.
"Ask me what?"
He looked and me and sight getting up as well.
"Where's mason?"
"He went on a trip why?" Why was he asking me were mason was?
He looked at me studying my face to see if I was lying or not I'm guessing
"What Derek?"
He sight "someone attacked one of my guards last night and-"
"And you think Mason did it?" I frowned at him.
He looked at me with no expression.
"I don't know, the counsel thinks it was him since we've had altercation."
"Do your think it was him?"
"Like I said I don't know, he did threaten me that-"
"Darcy calm down"
"NO" I got off the bed and started passing back and fourth. "He's my brother Derek MY ALPHA! I'm his beta you think I wouldn't know if he did something to your pack or not? NO HE DID NOT OKAY SO TELL YOUR STUPID COUNSEL TO FUCK OFF" I was breathing heavy, my wolf trying to itch herself out of me I tried my best to keep her down.
When we get mad it's harder to keep our wolfs in us. And right now I was livid. How can he blame Mason from hurting them.
"Look like I said I don't know is he did or not but the counsel has made it clear that they will find out"
"Find out how?"
"Well if it was him you know what will happen"
"BUT IT WASN'T HIM!" I yelled. A groan escaped my body because my wolf was trying to come out and I couldn't let her out right now. I haven't even told Derek about how she is.
"Get out" I said in a low voice
He nodded and started to head out the window
"And Derek, just know if they try to hurt my brother I'm going to fight next to him no matter what" I said why words clear. He looked at me shocked before he jumped down.
tears started to roll down my eyes.
Derek's POV
I jumped out of her window and made my way to the car driving off. Did she mean that? That she would fight me and my pack if things go down? Of course she did Mason is her brother and her alpha and he named her his beta, she would fight.
Anger rose all over my body. WHY! why did she have to be from another pack? Why did it all have to be so complicated.

(A/N hey guys I've started a new story called my salvation, it will mean a lot if you guys checked it out and gave me advice on it. But don't worry it will not stop me from finishing these story. I hope you guys are enjoying it )

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