What to believe

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I got no sleep last night. I kept tossing and turning thinking about what Derek said to me. It made me furious that he tried to blame my brother for attacking his guards. Not only that but my wolf kept itching to get out. It was 5 am and it was still pitch black outside.
"Ugh what the hell" I put on a pair of leggings and an oversize hoodie with some sneakers and made my way out the door. I was thankful that I was surrounded my woods. I walked further into the trees until I knew I was  far away as possible. I took off my clothes the cold wind making me shiver.
I stretched out my body and called out for my wolf to come out which she did excitedly. I haven't transformed in so long it hurt because I wasn't used to it. It felt like my bones were snapping one by one. Finally I was fully transformed. I ran around for what seemed hours and it felt amazing. I stopped and looked around at my surroundings and recognized the place too well, stone lake. I was save because I was all be way on the other side of the lake.
I looked at my reflection in the water. My fur was pearl white, so bright I'm pretty sure anyone can see it. My eyes were deep grey. I sat down looking at myself for what seemed forever. Finally I made my way back to the place I left my clothes and transformed back. Picking my clothes up
"Wow" I heard someone way.
I screamed and turned around to find Lucas smiling at me.
"LUCAS WHAT THE HELL!" I yelled covering myself with my clothes.
"Sorry" he said turning around.
I changed as fast as I could.
"Okay you can turn back now" I said annoyed at him.
He did still having a smirk on him. I rolled my eyes.
"What are you doing here" I asked curious.
"Most important what are you doing here, and changing into your wolf it's almost light out Darcy" he was with a worried look.
"I know, but she Just kept itching out I had too" I sat down on a rock that was close by us, he sat next to me.
"You need to be more careful what if it was someone else who saw you"
"I know Lucas I get it" I said annoyed. "I just wanted to have some fun"
We stayed quiet after that for a while until he Spoke.
"So we haven't really talked" he said
"About?" I asked confused looking at Him.
"You know... That make out session we had at school not so long ago."
Right. I had forgotten about that. Memory flashed back at how pissed Derek was.
"And since you've been ignoring me these whole time and hardly going to school-"
"I'm not ignoring you Lucas" I cut him off. It was true I wasn't ignoring anyone I was just too busy in my own world with my mate problems and all.
"Then what's the reason? I mean if you don't like me that's fine but we have been friends since what 5th grade for you to throw it away"
I smiled at him and gave him a hug, which he gave back.
"Don't worry I'm not ignoring you and I do want to be friends, I just have a lot going on"
He smiled and me and hugged me again. Why couldn't it be these easy? I mean I thought about it, Lucas was a great guy, kind of a man whore but a great guy especially to me. It sucks that he wasn't my mate I think we could of really been great. But I didn't want him, Derek was my mate and he is the one I want. He is the one I am suppose to be with the one I want to be with as well.
Lucas walked back home. I went upstairs and crashed into my bed. It was 8 a.m. Thank god it was a weekend though. I closed my eyes and went into a deep sleep.
I woke up around 11 a.m to the smell of pancakes. I stretched letting the smell fill my room. I got up and headed downstairs to find Mason in the kitchen which was now a full mess.
"Hey kiddo you're awake" he said hugging me and giving me a kiss on my head.
"When did you come back?" I asked picking at the food.
"Around 7 I went into your room by you were not there?"
"I know I went for a run, but then I got tired and went back to sleep" I lied. I mean what was I going to say? Derek pissed me off when he came over because he accused you of hurting his pack, oh and let's not forget his my mate and we almost imprinted as well, so how was your trip? So I gave my myself the benefit of the doubt and said that which was practically true as I did run, well not me my wolf but I couldn't tell him that ether without him getting all worried and all.
"A run?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Yup.. You know I have to keep in shape, I am your beta after all" I pushed passed him so he wouldn't see my face, he always catches me in a lie. I got a plate and serves myself pancakes. The smell making my stomach growl.
"So how was your trip?" I asked stuffing my face with food.
"It was good"
"What was hat trip about anyway"
"Just a trip I took its no big deal"
I looked at him with a frown, why wasn't he telling me? We always tell each other everything. I know I'm being hypocritical because I haven't necessarily been honest with him as well but still.
"What?" He asked looking at me
I kept starring "nothing" I said as I shoved more food in my mouth.
The thought of what Derek said filled my head. Mason couldn't of possibly hurt someone without purpose right? So why wasn't he telling me anything.
"So umm word has it that someone attacked our neighboring pack"
"You mean that douche Derek's pack?" Mason looked at me with a frown.
He is not a douche I wanted to say but nodded.
"I know I was informed"
"Why are you so curious all of a sudden? And how did you know they were attacked?"
My hands were starting to sweat. 
"Have you've been talking to that asshole Darcy?"
HE IS NOT AN ASSHOLE. I wanted to scream.
"Darcy" his voice became more demanding.
I had to think of something fast.
"H-he contacted me and asked if I knew who did it"
lies. More like he told me after we were about to imprint.
"Why and how would he contact you?"
"Well like a said to ask. And through my phone I gave him my number the day of the club before I found out he was from another pack" not lies, these definitely happened.
"And what you meet up with him for coffee and discussed it or what?"
"N-No! I told him on the phone that I did not know anything about that situation"
Lies. More and more lies.
He starred at me waiting for me to crack. Luckily I was getting better at these than I thought.
"Very well" he stood up and turned away heading to his room.
"There's one more thing" I said
I looked at him and took a deep breath.
"His pack is accusing you of doing it"
Anger rose in him I could see it.
"Why would I do such a thing?"
"I don't know, did you?"
More anger rose within him and I regretted the words that came out of my mouth.
"You think I did it?"
"Did you?"
"JUST ANSWER ME!" I snapped and he took a step back. Suddenly I felt stronger than him, taller and more powerful. Which was weird because I've always felt tiny compared to him.
He stood straighter "no" he said looking at me in the eye. He stared at me one more time and walked away.
I sank down on the chair and took a deep breath. I watched as my brother walked away from me and suddenly guilt spread all over my body. He is ,my brother I know him. I know he would never do that to someone. I closed my eyes, how can I have blamed him.  I know he didn't do it after what they did to my dad, I know he wouldn't of done the same to someone else's family. I am so stupid. These is what I didn't want. These is why I never wanted to find my mate because them all I can think about is him. It has put a wage In between me and my brother, I'm lying to my family, my friends, everyone I care about. Because I got mated with someone from another pack. I am my packs beta dammit I need to start having more control on my feelings and start doing what a beta is suppose to do for their pack and is protect it with its alpha, my brother.
I opened my phoned and send a text to Derek
'It wasn't my brother and I know that for a fact if you don't believe me then that's it we can't see each other anymore I won't turn away from my pack' i pressed send and headed to my room I needed a long bath .

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2017 ⏰

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