How Life is Now (Blaine)

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Blaine wakes to his bed-side Katy Perry alarm clock and shuts off the sound. He stretches over to his partner and hugs him awake. A yawning man known as Jayden awakes in his partners arms. Jayden turns with a smile and plants a kiss on Blaine's lips. They smile and get ready for the day.

Jayden works at a music recording company where he first met Blaine. The couple has a 6 year age difference, but that doesn't matter to them. So far they have worked together for about 3 or so years, and when Blaine was going through a hard time after his mom passed away with skin cancer Jayden was always there beside him. Even though that was an obvious tragedy, Blaine poured his heart out into music as he always had and made millions. The album was a story telling everything he was going through, and the public ate it up. All of his songs were relatable, and to making money that's key. Blaine doesn't think much of fame or fortune; he does what he does for himself and of course, the fans.

While getting down the stairs in his marble made mansion, Jayden brings up New York for the 4th time this week.

"Baby, when we get to New York I want to see that newer one.. what's it called.. Big Dreams, Big City! Yeah. That one", he says.

"Sure, sure", Blaine chuckles at his love for Broadway.

They both make it to the studio while going over Blaine's new song. It's a part of his throwback album that is completely about how life was before he started his career in LA. It goes way back to the times when he lived in Ohio with everyone he met and the experiences he lived. He sighs while going through the journals he kept from high school. The journals were basically diaries filled with everything that happened along with everything he felt. It was perfect material to create music.

The upcoming Monday would be the first day marking his 50-day tour all around America. Blaine planned it as a challenge to himself. It was 50 days non stop to every capital of every state. Jayden always complained, because New York was the last place on the list. Blaine always made him feel better by saying "best for last". His entire crew, including himself, look forward to it, because in just 2 days, they will show to everyone what is it that they love doing, and what they've worked so hard to achieve.

While finally finishing the last arrangements for the tour there was a giddiness that filled the air. Everyone couldn't help but smile. Even the usually very grumpy janitor seemed to have a smile on his face. Probably because they were leaving for a month and a half. While saying their farewells until their last rehearsal the next day, they all shared a gigantic group hug.

Finally, the couple was off to go home and relax. They drove home listening to Pandora on the Fun station, singing along to almost every song. Jayden snuck his hand into Blaine's free one. Blaine flashed him a smile. After about 30 minutes they finally arrived back home. They broke the silence with even more music, because that's what both of them loved most.

After Jayden prepared their nightly meal, they sat down in dim light and talked about the tour. It was a big moment for both of them, and both Jayden and Blaine were pretty proud of the progress that they made together over the years. The clink of wine glasses ended off the wonderful day, and soon enough they were already in bed, snoozing. The soft snores of the two men filled the open room, announcing that the day was over.

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