Switching Emotions (Blaine)

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A few weeks have passed since then and Blaine hadn't thought of Kurt at all. His days were happier and he was more content with life. The band had slowly navigated it's way across the country and Blaine was surprised to find himself still full of energy. Motivated with Jayden there by his side, he felt at ease. Lately, however, all Jayden has been talking about is the Broadway show he wants to see whenever they hit New York. Blaine was never really big on the idea of Broadway, more of things like Katy Perry and Pink. But he wouldn't mind seeing just one show, so he didn't complain. Also when Jayden wasn't blabbering on and on about New York, he was on his phone. Of course he would talk to people and socialize, but he didn't really seem there completely. Blaine didn't notice, he was eager every night for meeting new fans and getting to see new places.

In roughly about two weeks would be there stop to the big apple, and with every passing day Jayden's conversations with Blaine seem to be entirely about "Big City, Big Dreams". Finally after a week had past, Blaine started to notice. He looked over to see Jayden on his phone, smiling, greeted with an occasional giggle. Blaine goes over to Jayden. As soon as he seats himself next to his boyfriend, Jayden locks his phone.

"Hey babe. Whatcha up to?", Blaine asks curiously.

"Oh... nothing. Just looking at pictures of us," Jayden answers slowly and with a false reassuring smile.

"Okay. Well I love you," he says while pecking him on the cheek.

As he does so, he doesn't hear a reply. He decides it doesn't mean anything and goes to the back of the tour bus. He looks for his guitar and starts to play it once he spots it. Light strumming turns to full out playing. He pours out everything he feels in the new piece of music that he had just created. He feels it move his heart inside him. A tear falls and he doesn't know why, but he gets a piece a paper to write down the chords. He plays them until he starts singing words that just flow out of his mouth naturally and effortlessly. He also writes down the lyrics along with the order of the chords. After about 5 minutes he finds himself staring at a sheet of paper with a new song. He reads it over without playing his guitar.

High school brought my first love

I really thought we would last

We were together for a while,

But it ended far too fast

Now we're a never

Back then I thought we were forever

Love ends hard,

I know that now

Why we were not together?

I don't know how.

These last tears I shed

Are the last ones for you

I'll let you go now,

because I love you.

As he's reading, he hears the chair next to him scrape against the floor. He turns to see his drummer, Andy, adjusting the chair to wear he wishes to sit.

"Wow..", he says quietly in awe.

Blaine just looks down shyly.

"That was, like, amazing... Blaine.. you have to play it tonight," he encourages.

"Eh... I just wrote it, so it might be a little iffy. I'm planning on making it better in a few days", Blaine states.

"Okay, but when you finish it you should so play it. For a surprise for the fans... ya know?"

"Yeah. Well I think I'm gonna take a nap or something. Tired," Blaine mumbles the last sentence and heads to his bed.

He takes of his shirt and buries himself into bed. With a yawn he pulls the covers high to where only his shut eyes are peaking out from under. Sleepiness washes through him and he falls asleep.


He wakes up to the voice of his guitarist, announcing that they've arrived. They all pack their things inside of the building as they had all of the times before. Blaine felt a little sad for he was going to miss being on tour with all of these new experiences. With a sigh he began to set up the equiptment along with everyone else. As usual they rehearse and when the time came, performed. The night went by fast, as had all of the other nights recently. With a one song encore they finished. Packing back into the tour bus went with a flash and by the time Blaine knew it, they were already on the road to venture onto their next destination.

For the first time in a while Jayden comes to join Blaine in their comfy bed. He welcomes Jayden's warm embrace hastily. He had missed being intimate again like this with his boyfriend. He lied his head on Jayden's shoulder as they both had often done and they both fell into a peaceful sleep. Blaine had no trouble falling asleep along with the man by his side, because now he had finally let Kurt go. Unconsiously and sleepily, a sigh crept out from Blaine's mouth, and he welcomely let in the peace he so needed after all that time.

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