What's Happening to Me? (Kurt)

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It had been a week since Kurt's Broadway premiere and it was finally his day off. He pondered his mind on how he would spend this day. While sitting next to his partner on his soft, crimson sofa, Kurt finally decided that today would be his lazy day. He switched on the TV while making himself a 0 calorie snack. From the kitchen he heard a lady's voice on the TV.

"Monday night Blaine Andersons tour began. Here's a review", she chirped.

Kurt ran to the living room, mouth gaping. After a few pictures and clips the same lady's voice interrupts, "Backstage some say that Blaine was found crying. And from the sounds of it, ladies and gentlemen, I don't think it was tears of joy", she jokes a little too happily for Kurt's taste.

He scoffs, but continues to watch with full attention. The last he's heard from Blaine was years ago. It was so tragic. Blaine was crying, and he told him that he still loved him. Unfortunately Kurt didn't feel the same way. Blaine started sobbing and then Kurt finally decided that it would be best to lose contact completely; for both Kurt and Blaine's sake.

Kurt's memories were cut off by sound of another video clip beginning. It shows what looks like Blaine sitting on an amp. He lifts his head to wipe his eyes and- Yep, definitely Blaine. A sobbing Blaine fills Kurt's television screen and Kurt starts to cry also. He had never been good at staying strong for other people. Blaine glares at the crowd of people with v.i.p. passes and crew members and starts yelling.

"Go away!", he yells, trying to stop his voice from breaking. No luck.

He yells again, "Just go", he begs, " I want to be left alone, okay?".

Everyone seems to go away except for the person holding the camera, who seems to be hiding behind something, and except for a tall man. He wraps his arms around Blaines shoulders, and Blaine just shrugs his arm off. The man looks hurt and walks away.

The video ends, and the voice belongs to a woman who looks about 25 years old.

"Ouch", she says with a fake sympathetic face.

Kurt scoffs again and turns off the TV. Just as he does so, the door opens.

"Hi, honey!", Leon exclaims.

"Hey..", Kurt tries to sound happy.

"What's wrong"

"Nothing, j-just saw a sad story on the news"

"Awe. Really, hun? What about", Leon asks geniunely curious.

"Uh.. uhm.. Just a little boy went missing the other day. It's really horrible", Kurt replies.

"That's too bad, hun", Leon rubs his shoulder sympathetically, "I'm sure they'll find him soon", he says optimistically.

"Yeah", Kurt looks to the side.

He felt really bad lying to Leon, but he couldn't just tell him about his high school boyfriend who he hasn't talked to in a very long time. After justifying the lie to himself, Kurt started to feel sleepy. He lied his head down on one of the couch pillows and quickly fell asleep.


He was on the phone. He heard crying coming from the other line. Kurt's concious-self figured out what was happening immediately. He-only once-had done this before, and controlled his dream to go however he wanted it do. Unfortunately, this was not the case. The sobbing became louder when dream Kurt told Blaine that they should stop talking. Another Kurt showed up. It was concious Kurt.

"You really hurt him", concious Kurt said after dream Kurt hung up.

"It had to be done"

"I think you should just give him a chance.. as friends. Don't you feel bad about making him cry like that?"

"It's better than not saying anything"

"I can't believe you"

"Believe it, because it has already been done"


He woke up in his bed. He figured Leon carried him. He smiled. Although his dream was very self-conflicting, he decided it didn't mean anything. Immediately after making that decision it was swept from his mind completely.

The rest of the night he spent with Leon, snuggled up on the couch, watching old timey romance movies and eating popcorn.

"I love you, Kurt", Leon said adoringly.

"I-I.. love you too, hun", Kurt didn't feel certain.

What's happening? Kurt thought.

Leon didn't notice Kurt's uncertainty. He just wrapped his arms around him, while Kurt faked a smile. Things are going to get bad. A voice said in the back of Kurt's mind foreshadowingly.

And it was right.

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