New York (Kurt)

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By doctor's orders, Kurt finally got to return from his hiatus and back onto the stage a week later. Kurt constantly worried over what his fans would think. His show tonight was creeping on him and he tried to stay positive. After pacing back and forth backstage, Leon approached him with a concerned look on his face.

"You okay, hun?", he asked worriedly.

"What if no one shows up?", he asks nervously.

"Babe, they love you. Just because you had a little fall out doesn't mean they're going to stop. Everything will be fine, trust me", Leon promises.

After hearing his boyfriend's words, he lets them sink in. While putting on a brave face, Kurt held his head high and walked over to his dressing room and prepared for his night back. He shut the door behind him and set his phone next to Leon's. He pulls his shirt over his head and hears a vibration from a distance. He peers over the two phones and sees it was just Leon's. He pulls the rest of his clothes off, in exception of his undergarments. At least three times during his outfit change Leon's phone buzzed to life. Still, Kurt didn't think a thing about it.

Busy day, Kurt guessed.

He stepped into his costume's shoes, the exact same ones he had worn on the first day of high school, just a few sizes larger. He kneels down to tie his right shoe, pausing slightly after hearing another buzz. Curiousity stuck him, but he looked down at the shoes below him and finished tying the left one. He got up and started after the phone on the vanity, but was abruptly interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in," Kurt answered.

Leon opened the door and walked in staring at Kurt's outfit. He smiled and then the smile changed into a worried look.

"Crap," Leon muttered, looking for something in the room.

After searching around the back of the room, Leon smacked himself in the forehead as if saying DUH!, and then grabbed his phone from the vanity top. He unlocked his phone and texted back the anxious person on the other side of the phone. Not looking up once, he wrote back with a subconcious smile and not seeming to acknowledging Kurt's presence anymore. Kurt just cleared his throat and looked to the wall beside him.

"Wha- oh. Love you, babe. Good luck tonight!", he exclaimed, and adding a half-hearted hug to Kurt seconds after.

"Thank-", Kurt responded, but was cut off by the shut of the door.

He stared at the floor for a while and then heard another buzz. He looked over to his phone and saw that he had recieved a text. He walked over and picked it up. It was Rachel.

Sent at 6:47pm

From: Rachel Berry-Hudson

Kurt, it's CRAZY out here!!! Come outside!

He looked at it curiously and responded.

Sent at 6:48pm

From: Kurt Hummel

You know I'm back on schedule, right? I'm not home.

He waited a few minutes until his phone started ringing. He picked it up.

"You could have just texte-", he started.

"No time! Kurt come outside! I know you're not at home! COME OUTSIDE!", she basically squealed.

An exhasperated sigh left his lips and he rolled his eyes along with it.

So dramatic, he thought to himself.

He walked to the back door and caught a glimpse of Rachel's car. He looked around only to find Rachel nowhere in sight. Out of absolutey nowhere she popped up and grabbed his hand and dragged him toward the front of the building.

"Come on!", she exclaimed.

He followed her and eventually caught up to where she woldn't have to hold a snake's grip on his wrist. She let go and led him to the front. He bumped into her as she suddenly stopped.

"It's bigger," she whispered to herself.

Hundreds of people were lined outside of the building with signs saying things regarding Kurt's health. A lot more people had come than usual, just to see if he was okay. The opposite of what Kurt had presumed to happen. He gasped and then started to tear up. Rachel seemed to know that this would have that effect as she grabbed a tissue out of her skirt pocket. He grabbed it from her small hand and began to dab at his now falling tears.

Over and over he repeated to himself I love my fans, I love my fans. As he did that he also promised that he would put on his best show he had yet. He told the body guard to let the fans outside in for free and began rehearsing with the rest of his cast. 20 minutes later the curtains opened up for one Kurt Hummel again. He gave them his all, cheering at the emotion ending. He smiled out to the crowd, and the curtain slowly shut in sync with the warm tear falling from his face.

He returned backstage, accepting roses from his other cast members and a few fans. A tap on the shoulder made him turn around and face Rachel. He wasn't sure if she stayed around because he didn't see her during the performance. Once she revealed the roses behind her back she explained how she went out during a part where it wasn't a scene of him and retreived them from the nearest store that sold flowers. Nonetheless they were beautiful and he loved them. He pulled her into a best friend hug and they stayed like that for a while, just holding each other. They had been through so much together. From the slushies, to the NYADA acceptances and denials, and the break ups, and to now. She pulled away and wiped a tear from her eyes just as he did the same. He noted at her new outfit she sported. A ravishing black dress that covered her feet and fit her perfectly.

"Get dressed, Kurt. We're going out to eat," she said happily.

He went back to his dressing room and picked out the most fancy suit he could spot based off of the dress Rachel wore. He fixed his hair to go with his suit and finally headed back outside.

They laughed at the now dried tears and she held her hand out to him, and he gladly took her hand in his and they walked outside together under the shining New York moon. She hailed a taxi and Kurt texted Leon he would be out. Without a response they got into the first vehicle that stopped for them and headed out. Rachel hastedly instructed the cab driver to an address Kurt had never heard of. He looked at her and she smiled sweetly at him. He turned to look at the way they were heading.

An exquisite building replaced the drabby old apartments they passed. The taxi pulled to a stop and Rachel handed him a few bills and stepped out. Compared to this new place all the other places looked like cardboard now. Kurt linked arms with the woman beside him and she led him into the resturaunt. The man at the front looked up carelessly.

"Reservations, miss?", he asked.

"Berry, party for two", she replied kindly.

He looked down at the list in front of him and looked up with a welcoming smile.

"Of course, Ms. Berry," he replied.

Rachel entered with her head high and smiled wildly. Kurt grinned just as wide as he saw all of the magnificent marble sculptures that were tall enough to touch the ceiling. A single chandelier hung from the center of the room and there were people who looked just as formal as Rachel and him had dressed. Kurt sighed in relief they fit in just right and that he didn't go too overboard with his suit. A waitress came to their aid and led them to a nice table near the middle. They sat down and took their orders. They chatted away happily and Kurt could not get over the beauty of the exterior, let alone interior of this amazing building.

They finally finished the high quality meal and headed back outside. This time Kurt caught the taxi and the driver drove them back to the building. They got out and he followed Rachel to her car and hugged her goodnight. She drove away with a giagantic smile gleaming from her face. He walked back to his parked car and got in and drove home.

He finally arrived home and changed into a t-shirt and pajama pants. He picked up his phone from the nightstand and texted Rachel.

Sent at 11:04pm

From: Kurt Hummel

Goodnight, Rach. Love you, best friend.

With a goodnight back from Rachel, Kurt drifted into another dream about the old Lima Days, right on queue, as if his accident had never happened.

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