Memories (Kurt)

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After going to the bedroom to rest, Kurt lied awake, looking at the ceiling with Leon's light snores accompanying his thoughts. Kurt pondered his mind for any reason why he's suddenly feeling this way. He figured it was just his Broadway show reminding himself of Lima and how he was back then. After forcefully shoving his thoughts to the back of his mind he finally faded into slumber.


He woke to an empty bed, but he could hear cooking coming from the kitchen and a delicous smell filling his nose. He hummed at magnificent the scent. As though he was being hypnotized, he was drawn to the kitchen. Leon with a shining smile put down a spatula, walked over, and kissed Kurt on the cheek.

"Morning", Leon said gleefully.

"Morning, hun. What's all this?", Kurt said with temptation to start wolfing down the morning meal.

"I just felt us getting distant. I missed you," he said, returning to the spatula.

"Oh", was all Kurt said.

Kurt had to push himself away from the kitchen to get ready. After rushing his morning routine, he practically ran to the kitchen. He grabbed the already prepared eating utensules and sat down. Leon finished a minute later and put the plate on the table and a peck on Kurt's lips. They both smiled at eachother.

They finished the meal with laughter of a conversation formed by Kurt to avoid losing the happy feeling he had woken up to. The faded laughter turned into a meaningful and longing stare between the two. After only seconds, Leon stood up from the table and walked over to Kurt, who was on the other side of the table. He grabbed Kurt by his cheeks and smacked his lips on the others. They moved their mouths passionately against one anothers. Kurt pulled back to regain his breath after the very heated kiss.

"Wanna take this to the room?", Leon said lustfully.

Kurt couldn't reply in words, all he could manage was a nod.

They pounced on eachother like animals in heat once they made it into the room. Leon starved for Kurt's touch, for his embrace, for his kiss.


Leon lied their, asleep, and with a grin on his lips. Kurt opened his eyes after half an hour, still finding himself unable to sleep as his partner was. Although he had an amazing day, he still felt an emptiness inside him that he couldn't quite recall. After many attempts at falling asleep in his boyfriend's arms, he finally decided to pull on a new outfit. He absent-mindedly checked his watch. After a second look to confirm his worried thoughts he was filled with panic. It was an hour until he had to perform again. He ran to his car after hastily writing a note for Leon where he would be and why he was gone.

He got to the building about 20 minutes before the show was to begin. The security guard in the back gave him a slightly angered look.

"You're late", she said.

"I know, I know... sorry", he said quickly.

He changed into his opening outfit. His cast members didn't seem to as upset as the security guard was. After a hurried mini-rehearsal they lined up into their places. The night came fast after that.

After being complimented by the cast and crew on his performance he finally buckled himself into his car and started home. Usually he took a taxi to and from where he was, but his car was usually quicker. This time was different. The infamous New York traffic filled the roads. He groaned at the lined cars in front of him. He clicked on the radio to pass time and while flipping through different stations, he abruptly stopped at a familiar voice.

Once again, Blaine Anderson filled Kurt's mind. Blaine's voice seemed more mature to Kurt, but it still had all the dreaminess as it had before they lost contact. He smiled at the catchy tune, and after getting into the rhythm of the song, he sang along with the few repetitive parts he could remember.

The song faded to an end with Blaine's voice emptying the car. The silence filled the car for a milisecond and another song replaced it. Kurt didn't enjoy this new song as much as Blaine's did. Maybe that's why he's so popular, Kurt thought. Of course he would be popular if his music had that affect on people.

He spent the rest of the ride home with thoughts of Lima and Blaine. His thoughts didn't seem to be the sad kind as they previously were just days before. These were happy thoughts. Memories that made a smile form on Kurts face.

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