Reunited (Kurt)

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Kurt's thoughts have been taken over by the thought and memories of Blaine Anderson. For the thousandth time, Kurt googles Blaine on his laptop. The soft sound of the TV coming from Leon watching it in the other room catches Kurt's attention.

"...end of the tour..", the news reporter goes on," Blaine Anderson.....", and on," New York".

With the last words that he hears from the television, Kurt springs up from his bed and runs down the hallway. He trips and almost falls on his face, but finally makes it to the living room while Leon is watching the TV looking bored. Kurt plops himself on the couch next to his distant-minded boyfriend. A buzz comes from Leon's lap, signaling another text from the mysterious person on the other line.

Kurt hardly notices and keeps his attention on shots of Blaine and his last performance. With all of the Internet surfing, he's surprised he hasn't found gifs on the last day of Blaine's tour. The news reporter interrupts his thoughts about Blaine and continues on her review of his performance just the night before.

"..ending the night with a beautiful new song", she says.

Like the old videos of Blaine crying backstage, it cuts to a video from a fan's cellphone of the newest hit from Blaine.

Tears fall from Kurt at the beauty of the man on the screen.

H-he's... letting me go,

Kurt thinks to himself with another tear falling along with his broken heart to the floor.

"No," he whispers to himself.


In his costume, Kurt reads his lines (more than he ever should have to because he wrote it) once again due to his mind on other topics. The opening number comes and goes, and surprisingly goes without mistakes. Kurt somehow manages to note that there are still many fans of the show and himself still showing their support. He regains himself and memory of why he's doing what he loves to do so much.

The one dance number that he wrote himself into, he sings and dances happily to. His leotard's flexibility moves with his body throughout the song. The crowd smiles and laughs lightly as the actor who plays his dad interrupts the number on queue.

The light dims at the end of the act, and is replaced by a different scene without him. He hurries into his outfit and glances over to his boyfriend in the corner, on his phone, once again. Kurt grunts irritatedly at the fact that Leon seems to be enjoying his virtual company more than usual. Leon beams at the phone in his hands, and as he apparently receives a new text message, jumps up and down with a big smile on his face.

Kurt slowly approaches Leon, hands clenched, ready to rant. To Kurt's disapproval, the scene ends and he has to flee on stage.

Later, he promises himself.

He goes back onto the dark stage, and it lights up again as the next scene begins. He recites his lines and peers to the side stage, only to see an empty corner where Leon once was.

Definitely later,

he promises again.

The scene continues and Kurt keeps thinking of Leon, then Blaine, then the scene he's acting in, then Leon again. The continuing scenes after seem to go the same, and makes the whole show hard for Kurt to tolerate. The show drags on and on, frustrating and taking up Kurt's time. Fortunately, Kurt's ability to act covers all of that up, and even though he's upset pulls it off and ends the show with obvious approval of the crowd.

Kurt, faking a smile, bows with the rest of the crew. And with that, he storms off the stage. He doesn't bother faking anything now. Few notice, and those who do, don't care. Kurt never built up a friendship with them as he had with Rachel. He goes to the corner, no Leon. He checks his dressing room, no Leon. He looks all around the vicinity of the stage only to find no Leon.

He sits down frustratedly. He checks the phone that he bothered to retrieve from his dressing room for messages. None. He has to scroll down his conversations to fish out the one of his and Leon's. He barely realizes that he hasn't texted his own boyfriend for at least a month or two. As he types down a "where are you?", he decides to delete it.

He stands up and returns to his cast members backstage. They're taking amongst themselves, a few VIP people introducing themselves to the stars.

The VIP groups notice him in the back and shout out his name to come over. He reluctantly joins the group. He approaches a girl with short black hair and striking blue eyes. He smiles at her, finally snapping out of his anger.

"Oh my- Kurt HUMMEL!!!!", she screams excitedly.

He chuckles at the girl and agrees to a picture with her. She wraps her arms around him and smiles wide. He smiles with her and then her friend snaps a shot of the two. He agrees to take a picture with the girls friend, and a few others as well. The large group finally lets him free, and he thanks them for obvious reasons.

Afterward, he walks around to find Leon, still determined to have that talk with him. He checks the places he did before and still, no luck. He looks outside in the reserved parking lot, no Leon. He checks in the tech's room, no Leon. And after searching for a good 15 minutes he decides to ask around.

After asking a few people, who didn't know where the man's boyfriend could be, Kurt finally gets an answer. An extra told him to check the now empty theater. He hastily checked and again, found no one. He returns backstage and hears Leon's voice. Kurt gets up from the chair he sat on and storms to direction of the voice. A laugh booms from the man's mouth and Kurt pushes himself faster.

When he finally turns the corner he see's Leon. He opens his mouth to begin the rant he had been planning for the past hour, but is interrupted by a familiar voice.


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