The Big Day (Blaine)

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Woken up by the voice of none other than the glorious Katy Perry, Blaine sat up. His tour started today. He literally jumped for joy. A tired Jayden looked up at his partner jumping up and down on the bed, and he couldn't help but chuckle, for Blaine was so adorable.

"Babe, what are you doing", Jayden smiled.

Blaine stopped jumping, sat down next to Jayden, and looked him straight in the eye.

"My challenge starts today. Aren't you excited?", he asked with a serious face.

"Of course I am! How can you ask that?", Jayden asked.

"I don't know, let's get ready", Blaine replied.

While preparing to head out to Sacramento Blaine and hoped today goes as well as yesterday's last rehearsal. He smiled into the mirror.

Jayden came up behind him and said, "Damn Anderson, looking good", and winked. Blaine chuckled and thanked him. They decended down the stairs once they were both ready, and jumped in their Volvo. They named it Lucy.

Lucy made her way to the studio where she would stay for the next few weeks. The crew planned on taking the tour bus they bought and designed. The exterior was covered in multi-colored bow ties with an indago background. The interior was half modern and half ancient. The reason for this was because while they were still choosing how it would look, the whole crew argued for days on whether it should be like how things were now or how things were then. Blaine decided both and everyone was satisfied. The half and half tour bus was finished off by a nicely sized disco ball in the center of the vehicle ceiling.

They stepped out onto the warm parking lot, hand in hand, and through the doors of the studio. Everyone was occupied with getting papers ready and getting their suitcases into the tour bus. The couple joined them and got the things they needed. After a good 45 minutes they finished loading up, and made their way to Sacramento.

Blaine sat in a booth next to a table and watched as the trees flew by. He was amazed at the beauty of the world- the mysteries, the answers to it all, and the journey that comes along with that. He sighed a deep breath and fell asleep. He was more tired than usual because of the lack of sleep he got from being too excited the night before.


His dream started with himself, alone, in the halls of McKinnely. He walked aimlessly down the hall, not seeming to go to a certain destination. From one of the corners out came a beautiful Kurt Hummel, radiating with magnificence. His eyes seemed to glow blue, and he walked confidently up to the aimless Blaine. He stopped abruptly in front of the shorter boy and whispered, "Blackbird", into his ear. And with that one word, Kurt was gone.


Blaine woke with a start. It was darker outside, not nearly nighttime, but that was coming soon. He checked his watch. He had slept for at least 4 hours. While looking around he remembered where he was at. He felt eyes on him. He finally noticed Jayden staring at him intently. The look he was giving Blaine kind of creeped him out.

"Yes?", Blaine asked.

"Blaine, honey, who is Kurt?", Jayden asked with a tone.

"N-no one.", Blaine anwered.

Blaine had never told Jayden about his first and only love. Yes, Blaine is not in love with Jayden. Even if they had been together for years, he still just only saw him as a boyfriend. Of course Blaine liked him, a lot, but he just couldn't find himself to be in love with him. It took at least a year to forget about Kurt, and still every few months, there was Kurt, perfect as ever. Blaine knew it was dumb for someone to be not over their ex after so long.

"Are you sure? Because you said his name quite a few times while you were sleeping.", Jayden asked.

"Yes, babe. It was just a completely random dream", Blaine tried.

"Uh-huh", mumbled Jayden as he made a snack to eat.

What on earth does that dream mean?

Blaine asked himself. He felt like a hopeless, heartbroken teenager all over again. He felt ashamed that he would still be thinking about Kurt after being in such a long relationship. Blaine sighed and joined Jayden in the kitchen.

Finally after an hour and a half they arrived. The collosal building wasn't intimidating to Blaine, but to Jayden it was terrifying.

"Woah. Good luck, baby", Jayden breathed.

I don't think I'm going to need luck.

Blaine told himself cockily. He heard the screams of obssesed girls from the reserved and closed off part of the parking lot. While walking into the building he heard some manly yells. He chuckled.

The crew set up the stage and started to practice for about 30 minutes. They were finally ready after that. Blaine's manager told the security guard that it was okay to start letting people in. Once the crew was notified that people were going to be coming in, they all went back stage. After making a short prayer, the crew went on stage.

The crowd roared with excitement. Finally, the show was going. Blaine had a great time playing everything from their setlist. Before they knew it, they were on the last verse of their last song. Ending the song, the crowd roared repetitely, "Encore".

Blaine sighed with a smile and announced through the microphone, "Since you all were such a great audience-" the crowd screamed louder. Blaine laughed, "I'm going to perform Kay Perry's Teenage Dream".

The crowd went wild. Blaine turned around to face the very confused crew.

"Well? I know you guys know the song..", Blaine said.

"Blaine? Why?", the guitarist questioned.

"Just start up the music", Blaine replied in finality.

The music started up and filled his head with images of himself and Kurt. Mostly Kurt. He started singing, and after about half the song a tear fell from his eye. The song ended way too fast. Blaine tried to grasp on to the now ending memories of him and his old sweetheart. The sound of his fading thoughts were quickly interrupted by the insane volume of the crowd. He wiped the tear from his face and held the mic to his mouth.

"Thank you Sacramento", Blaine said quietly while nearly running backstage.

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