New York (Blaine)

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The last day of there tour and finally drove into New York. They had originally planned New York as their last stop because it had seemed like a great way to finish off their tour. Just as they had begun the tour, happiness and excitement filled the air. Everyone jammed along to the radio as the bus took them to the big apple. Hand in hand with Jayden, Blaine sung along with his band members. The drummer padded along the window with his drumsticks and nodded his head to the rhythm. Every now and then he would catch Jayden reply to a text message. It had been this way for the past week and now it was starting to bother Blaine. He decided to bring it up after tonight was over, but not now. His last few hours before the performance should be worry free.

The tour bus filled with music not from the band, but now from the radio. The cranked up the volume on blast and had a semi-party to get them pumped up. They picked up some cider from the last place they were at, and they popped it open and drank it. As they poured the sweet liquid into their systems they decided to play a game. The game was to see who is the best at acting. They all chose roles for one another and who ever got out of character was out of the game. They played this until the sun was fading down into the horizon. The two finalists were Blaine and their guitarist. Blaine was chosen to be a sloppy drunk and the guitarist was supposed to be a 6 year old.

"C'mon son. G'mme a hug", Blaine said as he reached out, with his arms spread open, and fell to the floor as he stretched too far from his seat.

"No dad.. you smell funny", he retorted.

The band members snorted in laughter. It seemed a lot funnier to them than it actually way, but it was a great way to pass time. They all watched them as they acted out their parts, and tried to hold back laughs, but failed miserably. Finally, Blaine started laughing along too, and the guitarist was named the champion. They all cheered to the winner and tapped their solo cups full of cider against each others. After a half an hour or so, they arrived. The laughter was cut off by the silence of awe that filled the bus. Gazing out of the window, the band and Jayden watched the city lights shine against the sky line. A buzz interrupted the silence and Jayden removed himself from the window to reply. Blaine broke his lingering gaze to him and grunted in frustration. He stared back out of the window and just watched the city until they got to their destination.

Finally, they pulled up to the building, and the driver of their tour bus (who is also their band manager) spoke the the person in charge of the place. He signed a few forms and they loaded their things into the tall place. Once the job was done, Jayden came over to Blaine.

"Babe..", he started.

"Yeah," Blaine answered, looking up at the man smiling down at him.

"We're going to Big City, Big Dreams tomorrow, right?", he asked.

"Yeah, of course," he replied.

A sort of squeak escaped from Jayden's lips and it reminded Blaine of something he couldn't quite recall. Jayden bounced off, replying to his phone once again and nearly bumped into a wall.


The curtains opened to reveal a full audience. The crowd roared with excitement. Blaine looked over to his drummer with a smile and signaled him to start the song. His drummer smacked his drumsticks together.

1, 2, 3, 4...

The music started up and immediately the crowd got louder. Blaine strummed out on his guitar and came up to the mic. He sung out his heart to the audience like he always had. Warmth filled his heart as he sang to the people singing along with him. As if he were serenading the crowd, he looked at them with love. They are the reason for everything he was doing. They're the purpose he is who he is. Song after song, the crowd got louder and more excited. With their last song of the night, the crowd cheered wildly. The crowd jumped and danced up and down with their arms up in the air, singing to the song that was amplifying through the place. They played out the last few verses of the song and of the tour. Blaine sang out his last few lines, queuing the band's silence. The end of the song triggered the loudest cheer that Blaine had ever heard. He smiled gratefully to the crowd.

After a minute of cheering, the crowd started to shout,"Encore, encore, encore!".

Blaine looked over to the band and stepped away from the mic to tell them something.

"Okay guys, I'm going to play my new song. I think we've practiced enough to perform it", he tells them all.

They nod in agreement, and the guitarists nods to him approvingly. Blaine returns a smile and returns to the microphone.

"Since you have all been so amazing, we're going to play a never before heard song for you," he announced.

The crowd screamed with excitement once again and then Blaine spoke up to the mic again.

"It's a kind of emotional one... enjoy!"

He starts with his acoustic guitar and starts singing.

High school brought my first love

I really thought we would last

We were together for a while,

But it ended far too fast

Now we're a never

Back then I thought we were forever

He sings out with power and a sort of softness at the same time. With the rhythm of the now playing beat, the crowd waves there arms in the air in sync. The once screaming audience is now silent, listening to every word coming from Blaine's heart.

Love ends hard,

I know that now

Why we were not together?

I don't know how.

The music continues and the arms waving continues as well. He can see from the stage couples holding one another. Love is what is filling the air. Love.

These last tears I shed

Are the last ones for you

I'll let you go now,

because I love you.

He finished the song and the crowd is silent. The odd moment of silence is replaced by even louder cheering than before. They're all going crazy with applause and screaming. Blaine boys to his fans and turns around to his band clapping for him too. The all stand up from their instruments and engulf Blaine in an embrace. They break apart and bow, again, to the crowd. They walk backstage and can still hear the roar five minutes later. Jayden walks up to Blaine with a look on his face that he can't explain.

"What the hell was that?", he exclaims.

"What do you mean", Blaine asks, obviously confused.

"You know what I mean! That song... is that song about me??", he yells.

"What? No... no it's not for you. We've been practicing this song for the past week and you barely notice now?", he replied angrily and then continues, "Oh, wait. Why would you? The person you've been texting is obviously more important to you than I am."

Jayden is just silently glaring at Blaine. And with that, Blaine storms off to the tour bus. The band members just look at Jayden and each other in confusion and shock.

"Uh... we're gonna...", the bassist says quietly.

The band walks out after Blaine and Jayden is left alone, still with that glare on his face. He stands there for a while and then a buzz from his pocket interrupts his angry thoughts. He pulls out his phone, sees the reply, and throws the phone down in anger.

An irritated huff comes from the angry man sanding alone, and he finally retrieves his phone, replies, and walks outside to meet the rest of the band in the tour bus. He sits on the floor and the band awkwardly peers over at him occasionally, silently. The night ends with hostility radiating from Blaine and Jayden.

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