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A/N: The final piece to my post-war trilogy. Will finally bring resolution to the Harry/Hermione relationship as well as the other relationships I want to put together. Fair warning, it will start off Harry/Ginny and Harry will not be Hermione's first post-Ron relationship. But we WILL get there I promise.

In the end, this story has turned out more fun than I could have imagined. For all of you who have been with me since the first chapter of "Continental Holiday", I'm supremely grateful. Hopefully this storyline is doing justice for the characters that you love as much as I do. As always, please read and review! I hope you enjoy this piece as much as I do! Cheers!

As always and forever more, I do not own Harry Potter or anything related to the brand. If only...

It had been by far the most enjoyable two weeks Harry had ever had at the Burrow.

He had obviously never had the chance to experience what life was like living in a wizard home with the largest cares on anybody's mind being everyday chores, meal choices, and quidditch. Even the Daily Prophet stories about the reconstruction of the Ministry of Magic and the country at large couldn't break the spell of normalcy that had fallen over the magical home in Ottery St. Catchpole.

Harry, Ginny, Ron, Luna, Hermione, and George were locked in a tight game of quidditch. Harry, Hermione and Ron versus Luna, Ginny and George. With no snitch, Harry found his chaser skills pushed to the limit by Ginny. Luna was only slightly better than Hermione and the two Weasley keepers both blocked a fair share of the shots at their goals.

Harry's team was up by ten and needed only one more goal to reach the agreed upon score limit of one hundred and fifty.

Ron blocked a shot from Luna and passed to Hermione, who immediately tried to pass to Harry. Unfortunately, Harry had been across the pitch and Ginny easily intercepted the pass and pelted the quaffle passed the outstretched arms of Ron to tie the game.

Harry called a timeout to talk his team through a game plan.

"Okay, tie game, it's our last match of the summer so let's take the Burrow Cup home with us for good."

They had been exchanging an old bicycle Harry had found that Hermione had transfigured into a dull aluminum replica of the Quidditch World Cup back and forth all summer and it was understood that today's winner would have their names engraved upon the cup and keep it for the duration of the school term.

"Ron, I was thinking...maybe we should switch you and Hermione? Just go all out assault on their goal?"

Harry saw a look of terror come across Hermione's face at being trusted with the goal, but Ron was already shaking his head.

"No go mate. My chaser skills aren't that great. Besides, I think I have a better idea." A mischievous glint flashed in his eyes and he looked at Hermione. "You're going to score the winning goal."

Hermione flushed. "M-me? But I'm rubbish! What are you talking about?"

Ron looked at Harry. "Yes, you're going to do it Hermione, because Harry is going to be the hero."

Harry was confused. How could he play the hero, but Hermione score the goal. Wouldn't he be the one to score the goal if he was going to be the hero? Besides, it made sense for him to do it since he was the better chaser and no one in their right mind.....

"Wait, I get it. I'm going to be bait!" a smile etched across Ron's face. Hermione looked more confused than ever.

"Exactly mate. You're going to do the best flying of your life and convince them that you are going to score the goal or die trying. If I know Ginny and George well enough, they'll pull Luna off Hermione to double you..."

The End Of The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now