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A/N: And here, we finally arrive at the final chapter. I tried to tell myself I wouldn't write an epilogue, but who am I kidding? Of course there's going to be an epilogue. So that will be coming very shortly.

I also promised myself I wouldn't gush in an author's note after it was all said and done....I'll probably break that promise too.

For the final time, I hope you guys and gals enjoy. Cheers!


Music blasted out of the door when Hermione and Harry opened the door to the Room of Requirement. There were huge banners for each house what were edged with white and peppered with moving snowflakes. The lights were low and kept changing colors like the Christmas lights Hermione had seen in her neighborhood as a little girl.

Harry went to get them drinks and Hermione made her way through the crowd. She felt lighter than air. If she didn't know any better, she would almost swear she was glowing. It had already been one of the most wonderful nights of her life.

"There you are, I've been looking for you." Ginny came bursting through the crowd with Aubrey at her side. When she caught sight of Hermione's face her hand went to her mouth. "Hermione."

Aubrey gave Hermione a wicked grin and turned to Ginny. "Now let's not make a scene, we'll get her to dish all the details later. I for one don't want to miss the party."

Ginny simply looked from Aubrey to Hermione before letting out an exasperated sigh. "Oh, alright."

Aubrey grabbed Hermione's arm. "Come on, George managed to sneak in firewhiskey."

Hermione pulled her arm away. "Aubrey, you're a prefect."

"And you're Head Girl. And yet, here you are." Aubrey gestured. "Come on, loosen up it's a party. Besides, you of all people can't fuss too much about breaking school rules."

Hermione frowned. "That was different."

Aubrey held up her hand. "Now listen here. You're about to leave here and go on to be Minister of Magic or what have you and live your wonderful life with the savior of the world. You'll be too busy then to drink too much with us, so you're going to drink too much with us now. I won't take "no" for an answer."

"Come on Hermione, let's live a little. Merlin knows we haven't been able to before." Ginny pleaded.

Hermione looked at her two best friends and sighed. "Alright, but one drink and then..."

"Oh we'll see about that." Aubrey grinned wickedly. "Come on let's go."

Someone in the crowd caught Hermione's eye. "Go ahead I'll catch up."

"I'm holding you to it Granger." Ginny and Aubrey disappeared.

Hermione inched her way around some Ravenclaws to tap a boyishly handsome man on the shoulder. "I'm glad you could make it."

Luke turned around and gave her that charming smile of his. She wondered how real it was. "Glad I was invited, though by the looks of it the whole school was invited."

"Yeah, that'll be Aubrey's doing." Hermione shook her head.

"Listen, Hermione.."

"Luke it's okay."

"Um, okay."

An awkward silence hung in the air. "So, how are things with your parents?"

Luke hesitated. "We erm, we had a fight."

The End Of The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now