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A/N: Ron's been in the background a lot in this story. At least it feels that way. While there is a perfectly sound reason behind it (developing his own life outside the trio, the focus on the love triangle, etc), I miss writing him. I loved getting some screen time with just him and Ginny. They don't interact a whole lot in the books, so it was fun writing it. Plus as an older brother, I can totally relate.

Anyways, hope you enjoy the update. Cheers!


The last time Ronald Weasley was this nervous walking up the steps to the Burrow was the time he and his two brothers had borrowed his father's flying car, flown halfway across the country, broke into the Dursley home and came home with his best friend.

"Just relax. What's there to worry about?" Aubrey grinned.

"Plenty." Ron felt himself turn a different shade of green.

"Ginny tells me that your parents are wonderful."

"Mum can be a bit.....pushy."

"So, mums can be that way."

"And my brothers....."

"I loved Fred and George, for my part, and I'm sure your older brothers are simply smashing. Now relax."

"They'll take the mickey out of me!"

"So what? That's what brothers do. You were just fine ganging up on me with my older brothers."

Ron grumbled to himself as Aubrey opened the kitchen door, a satisfied smirk on her face. He did admit that the first few days at Aubrey's home in Harwich had been more fun than he had expected.

"Ronniekins! Oh you're home! And this must be Aubrey! Splendid to meet you dear." A brighter even than usual Molly Weasley took Aubrey into a tight embrace and whispered quite loudly over her shoulder to Ron. "See? I always told you you'd find a right lovely young woman didn't I?"

"Mum...." Ron went from green to scarlet.

"Oh hush now, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. Why don't you join the others in the orchard while I finish up in here?"

"We'd love to." Aubrey summarily shoved Ron out of the door. "See? That wasn't so bad now was it?......Ronniekins?" she laughed at the now maroon face on Ron.

"Don't you start calling me that too!"

"I'll call you what I like and if you know what's good for you, you'll let me." Aubrey smiled and gave him a small zap on his leg with her wand.


"Ronald is here." Drifted a dreamy voice as Aubrey and Ron reached the orchard.

"Hi Luna." Ron and Aubrey answered in unison. Luna, Hermione, Harry, and Ginny all came down from where they had been flying. "You've come a long way since your "hating flying" days Hermione." Ron smiled.

"Well, you do get somewhat used to it after a while."

"Where's George?"

"He's at the shop mate." Harry answered, "Left first thing this morning without a word to anyone."

Ron stood mouth agape. "You're joking?"

"Ironically no." Ginny added, "Mum was in tears."

"Well now at least I know why she's so cheery." Ron chuckled. "I bet Angelina is glad to have him back."

"If she has the time. She's been swamped without you around. She came over last night."

"We should drop by later today." Aubrey took hold of Ron's arm.

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