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The next day went about as well as Hermione could have hoped.

While neither her or Harry were calling themselves a couple yet, word had spread through the house like wildfire about their encounter in the park. Ron had simply smiled and said "I told you so." Aubrey had given them both a wink when she had left that night. Neither George nor Percy had seemed to care, past George taking the mickey out of Harry for showing up freshly mauled. Ginny had been quiet, but had told Hermione at dinner that she was happy for them. Bill and Fleur had left the day after, but not before Fleur had the chance to tell everyone who would listen that she had known all along that Harry and Hermione were meant to be. Charlie had rumpled Harry's hair and said he had seen it coming ever since Hermione had nearly jumped him after the first task of the Tri-Wizard tournament.

Mr. Weasley had quietly assured them that he was happy for them, though he had kept his peace around Molly aside from chastising her to "Let it go, dear."

Mrs. Weasley hadn't stopped pestering them as to how long they had known and if this was the real reason they had broken up with Ginny and Ron. While Harry had been truthful and said that it had been a factor, even if he hadn't known it at the time, Hermione insisted that her and Ron had nothing to do with Harry.

Mrs. Weasley didn't seem to buy it and resorted to pouting and ignoring them whenever she wasn't pestering them. While it was frustrating, it was much better than how Hermione pictured it being.

Hermione was tucked away in her favorite reading spot in Ron's window when Harry found her after dinner.

"Hiding from Mrs. Weasley?" He smiled, taking a seat on the floor next to her.

"That and trying to get some fun reading in before schoolwork sets in again." She placed her bookmark and shut the book.

"What's that?"

"Bram Stoker's "Dracula", it's a muggle novel about a Transylvanian vampire." She faced the book cover towards Harry.

"Sounds interesting."

"Maybe I'll let you borrow it when I'm done." Hermione slid from the window sill to sit next to Harry. "You're not mad about me not wanting to be "together" just yet are you?"

Harry shook his head. "Of course not. You have a good reason."

"I just feel like I'm leaving you waiting."

"Hermione, you're fresh off of a relationship and so am I. Besides, I'm not going anywhere." He reached down and took her hand. Hermione couldn't help but smile.

"That's good to know." She leaned her head against his shoulder. She truly wasn't ready for the labels of a relationship, but leaning against him and knowing that it was really going to happen made her light headed.

"Can I ask you something Hermione?" Harry squeezed her hand.

"Of course Harry."

"Why did you try to hide the way you felt about me?"

Hermione frowned. "I already told you that I was scared. I was scared that loving you would get us both killed. I was scared that Ron wouldn't want to be our friend anymore. Most importantly Harry, I was scared that you would never feel the same way about me."

Harry's eyes were wide with curiosity. Hermione laughed, "I know, not very Gryffindor-like of me at all to be so afraid and to let that fear keep me from being with you."

"I don't think any lesser of you." Harry replied quietly. "To be honest I never thought you could feel that way about me. I always thought that you loved me more like a brother or something."

The End Of The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now