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A/N: There's bound to be questions and comments galore after this chapter. Instead of trying to answer them ahead of time, I will simply answer them to you directly. You can either leave them in a review or email me.

I will say this: I planned this arc with Luke ever since I started The End of the Beginning. I don't really have any explanation other than this just being who his character is.

I really hope you guys and gals enjoy.


"Merry Christmas mate."

Harry woke up to Ron's voice and a heavy package landing on his chest.

"This one's from "Mione. A book by the feel of it, figures." Ron had already busily begun unwrapping the pile of presents at the foot of his bed. Harry began with the one that was on his chest. It was indeed a book entitled Aurors Through the Ages by the same author of the quidditch book Hermione had given him his first year at Hogwarts. There was a small note on the inside cover:

Some reading material for your new line of work. Merry Christmas!



Harry worked his way through the rest of his packages: quidditch posters from Ron, a new sweater from Molly, a pile of Weasley products from George, a box of Honeyduke's hot fudge from Ginny, a dragon skin coat from Hagrid, and a hand knit pair of wool socks from Kreacher.

"Good haul mate?" Ron made his way over from his own bed.

"Yeah." Harry nodded.

"Let's get downstairs, I smell breakfast." Both boys made their way down to the breakfast table where George, Aubrey, Percy, Penelope, Mr. Weasley, Ginny and Luke were already seated. The table had had to be extended until it nearly touched the walls on both ends in order to accommodate everyone.

"Where's Hermione?" Harry asked Mrs. Weasley as she piled waffles onto his plate.

"She hasn't made it down yet. Bill and Fleur went for a walk through the village and I'm not sure where Charlie is." She chatted idly while scurrying back and forth putting food on plates. Harry sat quietly as the noise level grew, everyone chatting excitedly and swapping details about their gifts. It was enough of a gift to him to simply enjoy the company of everyone he loved most.

"Harry I'll take that dear." Mrs. Weasley waved her wand and Harry's empty plate made its way through the open kitchen door.

"Let me help." Harry stood up. There was still one thing he needed to take care of.

"Nonsense dear."

"I insist." Harry followed a flustered Mrs. Weasley into the kitchen and closed the door behind them. "Mrs. Weasley..."

"I'm planning on going to see Andromeda later if you would like to tag along." Mrs. Weasley had her back turned as she watched the sink fill itself with water.

"That would be great, but I want to talk about Ginny." Mrs. Weasley noticeably stiffened. "I wanted to say that I'm sorry."

Mrs. Weasley didn't say anything, the sink filled with water and with two flicks of her wand she mixed soap in and the dishes began to wash themselves. With nothing else to preoccupy her, she heaved a sigh and turned to Harry.

"It's alright dear, it's nothing that the two of you can't find your way through. Arthur and I had our fights too." Her voice had a false cheeriness to it that made Harry cringe.

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