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A/N: Finally finished up another chapter. Please let me know about the quality. I've hit a real brick wall of writer's block and I'll admit to being worried about it. In any case, sorry to have kept you waiting and hope you enjoy. Cheers!


Harry found it supremely ironic that for all those years people thought there was something between him and Hermione, now that there actually was something going on between them nobody seemed to notice or care.

Granted, their friends weren't exactly going around telling everyone and Harry and Hermione both were keeping any displays of affection private. He knew Hermione wasn't ready yet for everything that came with being a couple, so the only differences between their friendship from before and now were the good night kisses.

Two weeks went by with the most exciting thing happening being Peeves letting loose a horde of snakes during a Herbology lesson, creating a brief stampede of first years. Harry was sitting next to Hermione during lunch hour when Neville took a seat opposite him.

"Afternoon, Harry."

"'lo Neville." The man sitting opposite Harry was barely recognizable from the shy and nervous boy he had shared a dorm with for six years. "Sorry I haven't made it up to Gryffindor tower much."

"It's alright Harry, I know you have a lot on your plate." Neville looked at Hermione and then back to Harry. "Though I was actually wanting to ask you a favor, if you could spare the time?"

"Sure, what's up?"

"Can you help me with my dancing? The Winter Ball is next week and I'd rather not be stepping on Hannah's feet."

Harry choked on his drink. "Me? Help you with dancing?"

"Oh come on Harry. You were dancing just fine at your Head Boy party." Hermione didn't even look up from the Daily Prophet.

Harry felt himself blush. "Still, I'm not exactly someone who could teach it..."

"Well since Harry insists on being insufferably unsure of himself, then I'll help you Neville." Hermione put her paper down and smiled.

"Thanks Hermione and she's right you know." Neville turned to Harry who kept his gaze focused on pushing his food around his plate. "Well, I'll see you guys around. Just send your patronus later to let me know what you need me to do Hermione."

"Will do Neville. See you."

Harry looked up and watched Neville rejoin Hannah. He could feel Hermione's eyes on him and turned to see a look he'd seen a thousand times before. "I'm guessing this is where you tell me something about how I shouldn't be so hard on myself or the like?"

"It would be nice if you at least could see how talented you are." Hermione sighed.

"At what? Dancing?"

"You're just talented Harry. Think about it, how often is it you try something and you're rubbish at it?"

"I'm pretty rubbish at potions...."

"That's only because you don't apply yourself."

"I'm terrible with girls."

"Well, there is that, though I suppose you won't need to worry about that anymore."

Hermione was so matter of fact and so very Hermione-ish about it that Harry had to smile.

"What?" she gave him a perplexed look.

"Don't ever change." Harry laughed. He took a look around the Great Hall. Hagrid caught his eye, leaning down to have a conversation with Professor Sprout, holding his beard to keep it from tangling in her wild hair. Slughorn was seated between a couple of Ravenclaws, blathering on about some former student. Harry's gaze landed on Malfoy, seated alone at the end of the Slytherin table.

The End Of The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now