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2 May, 2000


Harry's chest finally expanded back outwards as the unrelenting pressure eased off.

"I never will get used to apparition."

"I did say we could take the Floo network." Hermione sighed.

"Yeah, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to actually apparate onto the grounds."

"Why? Because I spent the better part of seven years telling you that you couldn't?"

Harry grinned and Hermione exhaled. "Whatever will I do with you Harry?"

He offered his arm and they walked the winding path past the quidditch stadium and towards the tall towers of Hogwarts. A crowd had gathered in the front courtyard. When they got close enough to discern faces, there was a loud crack and a tall red headed man appeared next to a blonde haired woman.

"Did you have to get so close Ron? We could have apparated right onto someone's head."

"Hey, I was trying to save you a walk. The healer said you shouldn't be walking long distances."

"That's not exactly what she said..."

"Hello Ronald." Hermione tapped him on the shoulder, then wrapped Ron in a tight hug that he returned generously.

"Hermione, Merlin it's good to see you." Ron turned to see Harry, "And Harry, long time no see."

"Not a lot of free time at the Academy." Harry took Ron into a tight embrace. "Aubrey how are you?"

"I'm great Harry." Harry was very gentle when embracing Aubrey. "Being pregnant isn't all it's cracked up to be though."

"Do you know yet?" Hermione excitedly pushed passed Harry.

"Well....we was going to keep it a secret...." Ron waved his hand airily.

"Tell us, oh please tell us." Hermione whined.

Aubrey looked like she might blow up she was trying so hard to hold it in. "It's a girl!" She finally exploded.

Hermione and Aubrey both squealed in delight and hugged each other.

"Congrats mate." Harry shook Ron's hand.

"Mum nearly fainted." Ron looked glowingly at Aubrey. "Said she always wanted a granddaughter. Still hasn't quite forgiven me for not inviting Muriel to the wedding though."

"Have you thought of a name?" Hermione asked excitedly.

"I like Anna Lee." Aubrey answered, "But Ron is really partial to Emily."

The two women talked in rapid sentences while Harry scanned the crowd. There were a lot of Ministry officials present. Kinglsey as well as most of his cabinet were seated on the stage. Directly behind them, the professors were dressed to the nines, though Sprout never could remove all the dirt from her hair. McGonagall alone was in the front row seated next to Kingsley.

There was a large, empty circle in front of the stage and the floor seating was arranged in a semi-circle around it. Many people Harry recognized were seated towards the front. The Weasley family took an entire row and the Longbottom, Tonks and Lovegood families were seated behind them. Harry chuckled to see little Teddy Lupin straining to escape his grandmothers grasp.

"I think they're about to get started." Hermione tugged Harry's arm. Kinglsey had risen from his seat. Harry, Hermione, Ron and Aubrey took empty chairs in the back row.

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