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A/N: I've been looking forward to this one. This was a fun one. Hope you enjoy! Cheers!


"How do I look?" Ron turned from the mirror in the dragon skin dress robes his brother had given him.

"Great." Harry fiddled with his bow tie. His insides were churning. He never did like being the center of attention, but the Head Boy and Girl traditionally christened the Winter Ball with its first dance. He was less than enthusiastic.

Still, he'd be with Hermione. That was something.

"What do you reckon is taking the women so long?" Ron whined.

Harry shrugged. Neville appeared from behind his bed. "S'ppose they're getting ready yeah? They'll look great, trust me." Neville looked over at Harry and winked, leaving Harry perplexed.

Just then there was a soft knock and three beautiful women walked in, but Harry only had eyes for the one in the middle. Hermione was wearing an elegant dress that was a deep Gryffindor red that matched Harry's robes. Her hair was shorter and fell in delicate curls.

All three boys stood in silence, taking in the sight. "I think we've made an impression." Aubrey giggled, reaching forward to straighten Harry's tie. Hermione faked a cough, "Don't worry 'Mione he's all yours. Just helping the poor lad out is all."

"What do you think Neville?" Hannah spun on the spot.

"Smashing." Neville smiled. He took her by the arm and they made their way out the door. "See you guys downstairs." Hannah waved as the door shut behind her.

"It's not fair that Neville got to cheat." Aubrey said over her shoulder, now retying Ron's tie.

"What's she mean by that?" Harry asked Hermione.

"Oh, we had this agreement that the boys wouldn't see us in our dresses ahead of time." Hermione answered.

"But she let Neville cheat." Aubrey said, "Neville got to see her when they did their last practice."

"I just thought he should practice with the longer dress in play is all." Hermione sighed. "It's not like Harry saw me or anything."

Aubrey tutted, "I wonder sometimes how you got your straight laced reputation Granger. Come on Ron let's get downstairs." She pulled Ron by the hand who gave Harry and Hermione a wink before he followed her out the door.

"You ready?" Harry looked down at Hermione, his insides loosening a bit as he grabbed her hand.

"Yeah." She answered back.

"You look great."

"Thanks." Hermione blushed. "Let's go."

They made their way leisurely down the staircase, until they reached the door to the Great Hall which was shut. A din of chatter could be heard on the other side of the door. McGonagall was waiting in her conservative black dress robes.

"Are you ready to begin?" She asked, a rare smile spreading across her hawkish features.

Harry and Hermione both nodded their heads. McGonagall pushed open the door as Hermione took Harry's arm.

"Introducing, your Hogwarts Head Boy and Head Girl. Mr. Harry Potter and Ms. Hermione Granger." McGonagall's voice rang over the now hushed crowd, which split to make a pathway of sorts leading to the large dance floor at the front of the room.

Harry kept his eyes straight ahead and he felt Hermione's grip tighten on his arm. There were hushed whispers on either side of them. After what seemed to be the longest walk of his life they finally reached the center of the dance floor. A classical ballad floated across the hall. Harry turned and offered his hand to Hermione. He noticed how she was worrying her bottom lip and her brow had tightened. He pulled her close to himself, getting her to look up at him.

The End Of The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now