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"Don't watch your feet; you want to be looking up at me."

"I'm trying; I just didn't want to step on your feet."

"I know, but that is why we memorize the steps so you won't have to think about them." Hermione waved her wand at the record player, "Now one more time tonight."

Neville lead her in the first few steps of the dance beautifully. He caught the front edge of her toe right before the verse ended and kept looking down after that, but it was a vast improvement from when they had first started. Her feet had been sore for quite a while after their first session.

"Very good Neville, you're coming along smashingly. Hannah will be blown away." She gave him an encouraging smile. "Want to meet one more time before the ball?"

Neville blushed, "No, I think I got the hang of it now. I really appreciate this Hermione; sorry for all the times I stepped on you."

"It's quite alright, it happens." Hermione waved her wand again to switch the record player off. "I'm more than happy to help."

"So how are things with Harry?" Neville bent down to take his dress shoes off.

"They're great."

"You know, I always wondered about you two. You were always very close."

"He's my best friend." Hermione smiled, "Always has been."

Neville smiled and shook his head. "So I have to ask, was it you that put Harry up to inviting Malfoy to the after party?"

"I didn't put him up to anything. I simply pointed out how sad it was that Malfoy didn't seem to have anyone that cared, no friends to speak of."

"I see."

"Though I agree with what Harry did. You'll be nice to him won't you Neville?"

"It's a little hard to be all chummy with him all of the sudden," Hermione rolled her eyes, "but I suppose I'll do my best. Thanks again Hermione, see you around." Neville walked passed her and out into the second floor corridor. They had been practicing in an empty classroom. Hermione put away the record player and record she had borrowed from the library and took a seat in a chair, enjoying the silence. It wasn't often she got to pause and just listen anymore.

The sound of footsteps came up to the door and someone knocked softly before pushing the door open.

"Hi." Harry took the chair next to her. "How'd the lesson go?"

"Quite well, Neville really has gotten much better."

Hermione felt butterflies flutter in her stomach for reasons she wasn't sure of. "So, are you ready for the ball?" Harry asked, smiling nervously.

"Not really if I'm honest." Hermione looked at her feet, "Maybe it's just out of habit or for some other reason I can't tell, but I'm still scared."

"I'm pretty nervous too."

Hermione looked up at him and couldn't help but laugh. "Harry Potter? Nervous? You're the bravest person I know."

"Well in hindsight, everything I've ever done looks more stupid than brave." Harry smiled.

"I'd say it all worked out in the end."

"Yeah. This will too you know."

"I know." Hermione reached down and squeezed his hand. She thought of all the times she had been scared and how Harry had always grabbed her hand while they helped each other survive. This wouldn't be any different. "I love you, Harry."

The End Of The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now