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A/N: Hope you enjoy! For those of you who like that sort of thing, my personal soundtrack to this would be "When I Go Down" by Relient K. Specifically the bridge (4:12-5:42). Cheers!


Harry had taken to watching the Weasley boys play their game. It wasn't as straight forward as the games he was used to playing and he found it was easier to keep track of what was happening as an observer.

It was a complicated role playing game where each of the boys controlled miniature heroes from wizarding history and battled together against things like werewolves, dragons, merfolk and such. There were complicated rules and mechanics about the different heroes and monsters that mostly went over Harry's head. While it was entertaining to watch the magical pieces duke it out based upon the boys' decisions, Harry thought that he preferred thinking about fights from ground level where it was much more straightforward.

Ron's miniature King Arthur was using his shield to ward off a dragon's flames when a silver light behind him drew his attention away from the game.

It was a bright silver patronus in the form of a doe.

Harry's mind went into a log jam. The last time he had seen a patronus like this, it was Severus Snape trying to lead him to Gryffindor's sword.

But I watched Severus Snape die.

The doe bowed its head to Harry and then spoke in a female voice that took Harry by surprise.

"Harry, could you meet me in the park on the other side of town? I have something I want to talk about." Hermione's disembodied voice spoke from the doe which then slowly disappeared.

Harry stood rooted to the spot. He had the absurd mental image of Snape using Hermione's voice in a patronus to lure him somewhere, but Harry knew that couldn't be. Snape was dead and in any case wouldn't bring him to harm. That could only mean one thing:

Hermione's patronus has changed.

"Wait, I thought Hermione's patronus was an otter?" George appeared next to Harry. The boys had abandoned their game and all of them wore puzzled expressions. All except for Ron who, Harry noticed, sported a grin.

"It was. It's different now." Harry stated simply.

"It could be some kind of trap Harry." Bill put his hand on Harry's shoulder. "I would be careful."

"Who could possibly want to off Harry? Voldemort is dead and all his pals are locked up in Azkaban." Charlie intervened.

"Plenty of people. There were plenty of folks who made off quite well under the false Ministry. They very well might want revenge for Harry ruining their livelihood."

"It's Hermione." Harry brushed off Bill's hand, "There's nothing to worry about." He couldn't stand hearing them talk like that. That part of his life was over.

"If you say so." Bill sounded unconvinced.

"Just let him go. He'll be fine." Ron was still grinning.

"What are you smiling about?" George asked.

"Nothing. Nothing at all." Ron chuckled.

"I'll be back before long." Harry turned and grabbing a coat from Ron's room made his way outside passed the apparition wards. He took a moment to refresh his memory on the park Hermione was referring to and when he had a strong image in his mind he turned his heel and appeared in front of a rusty black gate. A massive oak tree sat in the middle of a wide and open park, a single porch swing hanging from one of its lower branches. Harry could make out Hermione seated in the swing.

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