Chapter 25 ~ Matthew

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 Woah! What the hell just happened?

 One second and all was somewhat alright with the world next... I'm turned into a bear, we battle some ugly gray beasts, Mystery reenacts the great escape version 9.6, and then Gryphon has to jump off the roof and follow her in a high speed aerial race. Next thing we new Gryphon was thrown into the side of a spire building looking for all the world like she just got thrown into a building by the strongest being imaginable.

What a week!

 Once we rescued Gryphon, we sped off after Mystery. Katie took her to the infirmary on my back, using it like a makeshift stretcher. Inside the infirmary katie was a blur as she made medicine and grabbed nearly everything she could get her eyes on.

I can't fit in there, not any more so lumbering down the thankfully large hallway I make my way to the cockpit. Dylan and Andrew are madly working with the ship, their hands a blur on the console as they navigated us through space.

Mystery had become a dot speeding through space, her friends trying to keep up behind her. Dylan presses another button and flicking one last switch, we race after her. Mystery comes into view and we soon pull up beside her.

Dylan beats the butt of his hand on the glass before us, desperately trying to get her attention, sadly he does.

Mystery snaps her head toward us and with a startled expression she shoots off.

 "Andrew" Dylan pleads.

 "I'm on it!" Andrew half wines, half shouts at Dylan "People can only move so fast" he said under his breath. Unfortunately for Andrew, Dylan heard him "If you feel that way we can discuss it later for now, I'm sorry... Watch out!" A stray piece of space junk hurtled towards us, Andrew and Dylan both made a grab for the controls and managed to veer away from the junk but not without taking a momento.

 Everyone covered their ears to the best of their ability as the piece of space junk scratched itself along our hull, very noisily. The screech of the junk against our hull stuck in our ears long after it was over. All the while we are still chasing Mystery, but we track her on Andrew's strange watch.

 Seconds of travelling later Mystery comes back into view but that's not all...

 There behind her is a star and not just any kind of star but an almost done, going to burst and blow new born star. It is huge! And Mystery's flying straight for it!

 The two collide and Holly Shit! I moved as fast as I could and slammed my paw down on the reverse controls as hard as I dared in this form. We were now rocketing away from the currently exploding star that is yet to swallow Mystery whole. 

 Mystery collides with the fiery ball and the whole thing explodes into an array of colours in all its destructive glory. Then the blast reaches us and we are sent tumbling, my vision going dim. Screams erupt from all around and my ears start to ring, and that is when the second wave hits and the galaxy is dark once more.

> ~ < The End! > ~ <

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