Chapter 2 - The Akashi Siblings

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First thing first, thanks a whole lot for the votes~! I can't promise a regular update, but I will update when I had the story ready. My Dignified Imouto will probably be the most romance-y out of the other two, and I will add in some fluffy interactions of the Akashis. Anyway, Enjoy~

Pairings : Shina/Seijūrō
Warnings : AU Universe. Teikō Middle School Days. Overprotective Akashi.
Disclaimer : I own only the OCs.

Chapter 2 - The Akashi Siblings

The shiny jet-black limousine stopped a couple streets away from Teikō Junior High.

The Akashi siblings stated that they don't wish to intimidate their schoolmates with their overwhelming background.

Shina's POV

"Thank you for the ride, Aoi. We will be seeing you later." I thanked Aoi like usual. It's called manners.

"Of course, Young Miss, Young Master! Hope you have a good day!" Aoi saluted as he grinned.

Sei-nii inclined his head to Aoi, before offering his hand to me. I took it without a second thought and we started walking to the school.

I am not oblivious to the curious stares and estranged looks people are giving us as we walked.

We knows - we just don't care. There's nothing wrong with what we're doing. Holding hands are as natural as breathing for Sei-nii and I.

Of course, things haven't always been this way. I can tell Sei-nii used to dislike me and I used to fear him. That changed that one fateful winter night.

"Are you reminiscing something, Shina?" I hear Sei-nii asked from beside me.

"Nothing." I answered simply.

Sei-nii knows better than that though. He is smiling and I can tell.

The booths for club activities are all lined up neatly by the road sides. Teikō took their achievements seriously - sports and academics both.

We walked past the booths and into the auditorium, it's already quite crowded - but we have got two front seats reserved for us.

Why? Sei-nii and I aced the entrance exams. The school said it's our privilege to sit at the very front.

When the Principal started his speech, I know that Sei-nii was thinking the same things I did.

The Principal is an obsessed fool.

We enjoy winning, of course. It's natural for an Akashi. Even so, Sei-nii and I - win, lose and draw periodically to each other - that's why it's fun.

For example, on the entrance exams, we tied for first place. We scored a perfect 100 in every tests. I gladly stepped back when they mentioned the representative speech, though. Sei-nii is better at things like those.

When Sei-nii was called to the front, I can see how his whole being seems to shine - proud and charismatic.

I admire him.

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