Chapter 5 - One out of Everything

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I owe you all an apology. I honestly didn't realise it's been almost a month since I last update. I just lived a life without writing for a while, and while it feels nice, something is lacking.. So yeah, without further ado, here's Chapter 5, and I'll be updating Dreams of Life tomorrow~

Pairings : Shina/Seijūrō
Warnings : AU Universe. Teikō Middle School Days. Overprotective Akashi.
Disclaimer : I own only the OCs.

Chapter 5 - One out of Everything

Shots after shots are made, immediately followed by the swishes of nets.

The Game Centre is desolated if not for the 5 teenagers, but the noises they made make up for it.

Eventually, the last shot made its way to the hoop, and the signal blared after the ball went through, the digital screen flashing the final score of the winner.

Seijūrō POV

I smile as I offer my hand to Shina, who had wobbled, unsteady on her feet.

Shina is never one for stamina.

Shina takes my hand while smiling tiredly. She was playing next to me.

To her defense, Shina did pretty well. She's not the only one exhausted. I'm also drenched in sweats.

If we're looking for worse examples, there are surely many on display for all to see.

Aomine is lying on the floor without a care like the frivolous kid he is, catching his breath, looking like he just showered from head to toe.

Momoi fanned herself as she sat on the nearby bench. Being the manager, and a girl, she was out at the earliest.

Midorima is breathless as he leaned against one of the game machines, his lucky item perched on his lap.

Murasakibara is already dozing off on another bench, his head leaning to one of the game machines.

At a glance, it may seems hard to tell who actually wins from the burned conditions we are all in.

That's aside, the winner shouldn't be hard to predict.

Let's start with the strongest contender, Midorima: Cancer is ranked third today. He brings his lucky item. He miss none of his shoots.

However, Midorima simply took too much time to ready himself in addition to the overly high arc of the ball. So he's out.

Murasakibara. He's the tallest and he can reach the hoop. He could scoop the ball and tuck it into the hoop.

However, since he's dealing with a machine, his over enthusiastic moves (fuelled by his desire for the candies) broke the machine's counter and it went error. He's out.

Aomine, the dark horse. He's your basketball junkie and he's passionate for the game. Some of his shots missed the basket, but even with his mindless forms, he makes most of the shot.

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