Chapter 10 - Evil Lord and Devilish Princess

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I should be updating Rainbow Drops first, but I had the urge to do this one, and well, so.. Anyway, there's some changes in the method of story deliveries, but I don't think it's really that noticeable.

It's been quite a long time since I last update, so thanks a lot for sticking to this story! I'll try so that the next update won't take too long of time~

Pairings : Shina/Seijūrō
Warnings : AU Universe. Teikō Middle School Days. Overprotective Akashi.
Disclaimer : I own only the OCs.

Chapter 10 - Evil Lord and Devilish Princess

Following the discussion to recruit a new player to the team, the two players responsible for the team are currently engaged in a conversation regarding the course to take.

As it's an important decision, the older Akashi had to leave his precious little sister in the care of his friends as he talked with Nijimura.

Seijūrō's POV

"This is the guy you want us to recruit...? You're not serious, are you, Akashi?" Nijimura asked in disbelief as he read over the file for the third time.

Written there is the guy's complete personal information, which includes his problematic behaviour records. It is no wonder that Nijimura-san asked for confirmation.

Even I had to think twice about picking him and ignoring the other one, if only to save Shina for more troubles the other guy is likely to bring.

Nijimura sighed as he smoothed the wrinkles around his temple. "So this is why you want my help..." he muttered in a low voice.

It means that he will be the one to keep the troubling boy in line as he's the Captain. Not only to recruit, but also after the recruitment.

I offered a smile to ease the troubled look on Nijimura-san's face. "Please have strength, Nijimura-san. This is for the club's best interest."

Of course, it's more of Shina's best interest, but that doesn't have to be mentioned here.

Another exasperated sigh escaped the raven-haired boy. "I get it." he replied, finally giving in. "Boy, why did I accept this troublesome position in the first place?" he ran his fingers over his hair.

I watched with amusement, not because of Nijimura-san's messy hair after what he did, but because his hair remained sleek and smooth even after that rough ruffles.

Shina often complains about her bedhead, which struck me as a miracle when I first witnessed it. It never fails to make me wonder how her hair even sticks out in all directions like it have a will of its own.

I know hair is a girl's crown, but Shina is my princess even without her crown. She is just that precious.

"Then." Nijimura huffed, calling out attention. "I'll be leaving to meet this guy," he waved the paper in his hand. "so I'll leave it to you to manage the guys in my absence."

"I'm counting on you, Vice Captain Akashi." he put emphasis on the last part, earning a smile from the redhead as he walked out the door.

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