Chapter 12 - Ideal types and budding attractions

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When was the last update again...? Sorry about that, but Shina is here to return! I have assignments to do, but as soon as I'm done with them, I'll get back to writing these. Sorry for the long wait!

Pairings : Shina/Seijūrō
Warnings : AU Universe. Teikō Middle School Days. Overprotective Akashi.
Disclaimer : I own only the OCs

Chapter 12 - Ideal types and budding attractions

Practice in the 1st Gym is as usual, brutal and demanding to the point of puking for newbies, aching muscles for most and numbing feelings for the few used to the training menus.

During the first few weeks when a player is introduced to the first string, he would usually collapse and lose his lunch. Interestingly, this doesn't apply to the five freshmen.

Though, it's noted that the youngest Akashi nearly fainted and the former-blonde Captain was on the receiving end of the older sibling's menacing glare for weeks after the incident.

Shina's POV

It has been awhile since Coach Sanada gathered all the first stringers, the first after it was announced that we first years were to have a practice match with Hanazakari Middle School.

Clearly another announcement is in order, what, we are about to find out.

Sanada stands before the few handfuls players, beside him is the Captain, Nijimura and his Vice Captain, Seijūrō. "As per Teikō's Basketball Tradition, all first years are required to join the Training Camp this Summer, which is held in Hawaii every year." he directs his gaze to the four players in front of him.

Hawaii? Quite a long way from home, but definitely covered. I have never been there, but I believe the Akashi has a villa there.

"The Training Camp will be during the Summer Vacation for five days and three nights, starting from the 3rd until 8th of August. Summer Camp will begin on the 10th." Sanada continues, though he doubts the tanned teen would actually remember.

"Until then practice is to proceed as usual. Dismissed."

As Coach Sanada dismissed the players, Sei-nii returns to my side. There are only five participants from the first string, six if Momoi-san is counted. She is a manager, not a player, but a first year nonetheless.

Meaning, there will be more from the second and third strings.

"The Training Camp is a warm-up for you freshmen, before the much more brutal Summer Camp, that is." Nijimura informs with a careless shrug. "That way your body won't be shocked."

Aomine scrunches his face in distaste. He doesn't get a good vibe from these talks about camp. "It's that hard?" he asks warily.

Nijimura grins at this, eerie as it is. "It's not enough to kill youngsters, as Coach Shirogane said it. Just barely alive." he adds the last part, eyeing the freshmen's reactions.

Murasakibara visibly frowns, as if he eats something inedible. And that's saying a lot, since the purplehead is pretty much omnivore. Midorima gulps, his emerald eyes hinting caution behind his glasses. Aomine is horrified. He learns from experience that every training Shirogane-related may as well be Hell.

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