Chapter 7 - First practice match

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Okay, so I will try to get the next chapter done very soon. And about Kuroko's appearance? I will try not to make it so obvious.

Pairings : Shina/Seijūrō
Warnings : AU Universe. Teikō Middle School Days. Overprotective Akashi.
Disclaimer : I own only the OCs.

Chapter 7 - First practice match

It was another peaceful day for the first year regulars, who had bonded closely at the time. Like any other ordinary students, they are having lunches together, as friends.

With all of them being in the same club, and almost equally obsessed with the sport, it's no surprise the talks are revolving solely on basketball.

Seijūrō's POV

"Oh, don't forget that there'll be a practice match with Hanazakari Middle School to test the First years capabilities!" Momoi reminded. The First years obviously referring to us 5 in the First string.

The statement is probably intended to the forgetful Aomine, though I doubt he will forget a basketball game. He is a one-track mind boy, regarding basketball.

"Are all 5 of us going to play?" Aomine asked dumbly, biting on his straw in the carton juice.

Midorima scoffed. "It doesn't take a genius to realise that 5 is the exact number of players you need for a game of basketball."

"Which means Mine-kun is worse than an idiot?" Murasakibara concluded lazily, smirking slightly at the fuming tanned male.

"The hell is that for?!" Aomine would have been red with anger if not for his dark skin tone. He looks ready to explode.

Childish bunches. Shina and I can't help but sigh at this immature banters.

"The match will be held 3 days from now, on class periods. We will be excused." I elaborated further. Nijimura-san and Coach Sanada have earned permission from the school.

There is a catch, of course.

"You're not kidding?! Awesome!" Aomine whooped in joy, his anger long forgotten as he celebrated.

Dear Shina kindly brought the idiot down to Earth. "We will have extra assignments for skipping classes." she said in an almost deadpan tone.

I watch as the tanned teen fell from the Seventh Heaven, his face losing colour rapidly. I can almost visualise him falling flat on Earth after Shina's kind reminder.

"More assignments?!" He finally cried out in distress, earning looks of disapproval from his booming voice. "I haven't even do the ones I was given!"

Why, I don't doubt that. I have received notices from the teachers about the male's study habits. Aomine is the sole stress on his teachers.

"Hmph." Midorima tsked, displeased as he tapped his glasses up his nose. "It never fails to make me wonder just how you can get accepted into Teikō."

Shina and I smirk at that. "That is simple. It is because Aomine got Momoi-san with him." I eyed the flinching male.

"..Must be nice to have someone to take care of your needs." Murasakibara added in envy. He seems desperate for one, and speaking from his daily dazed demeanour, I would say he does need one.

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