Chapter 4 - Game Centre Pandemonium

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My internet is finally fixed, so here's the belated update~ Oh, and Happy Belated New Year~! I'm hoping I can finish all of my stories this year. And, thanks a lot for the comments and votes! I'll try to make this story better, in any way possible. I'll be updating Our Love Story is My Favourite after this, and Rainbow Drops, hopefully, tomorrow. Hope you enjoy~

Pairings : Shina/Seijūrō
Warnings : AU Universe. Teikō Middle School Days. Overprotective Akashi.
Disclaimer : I own only the OCs.

Chapter 4 - Game Centre Pandemonium

The First Years practices started right the day after their acceptance to the club. The First String's practice is especially harsh to meet Teikō's standard.

Practices have been brutal to the frail Shina, Seijūrō made sure to let Nijimura knew through passionate glares drilled on his back, and Momoi's been a mother hen, frantically fussing over Shina.

By now, Shina toppling over and almost collapsing, Akashi's god-speed appearance by her side, Nijimura sweating buckets due to a certain redhead's glare, and Momoi's frantic shouts are becoming regular occurrences of Teikō Basketball Club.

Of course, no one dares to comment, lest they incur an Akashi's wrath.

Seijūrō's POV

In about 5 minutes, lunch break will start, and in exactly 45 seconds after that, Momoi (and Aomine) is surely to come by again today.

I am thankful that Momoi comes to check on Shina every time since the first practice was held. What happens after that, would be the group lunch by the rooftop. It might as well be a regular schedule now.

"Akashi-kun, Akashi-chan, Murasakibara-kun!"

There she is. Exactly 45 seconds.

"Let's go to the rooftop!" Momoi chirped from the entrance, Aomine trailing behind her.

Shina turned to me and we stood up at the same time. I offered my hand, and we started waking towards the door. Murasakibara trudged after us, along with his infinite stock of treats.

After this, the next stop would be 1-C, where the last member of the colourful bunch is.

"Midorima-kun! Let's go~!" Momoi shouted happily.

Everyone can see that the greenette visibly twitched when his name was so loudly called. Momoi is rarely discreet.

Midorima is complaining as he grumbles, but he still followed along obediently with his bento in hand. In the end, he's just one Tsundere boy.

I could still remember the first time Momoi invited Midorima for a group lunch.

———————————————————Mini Flashback..

"I refuse."

Momoi blinked as Midorima turned to walk away. He must have thought the invitation is childish - Shina and Seijūrō did, too.

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