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'Oh shit, Eye Candy, looks like you got a new cell mate.' The young, lemon colored brother looked in the direction in which the older man was pointing. The guards were leading a young muscle bound hottie with a scowl on his face into the cell.

'He look like one of them young gangsta niggas.' Continued the man who was called Shit Talk by all. The young boy did not know his name, or that of the other two older gentlemen he associated with. Real names didn't matter in the joint. The young man, the 21 year old baby of the group was named Xavier, before his buddies christened him Eye Candy two years ago. Shit talk, the most out spoken of the group was 45 but didn't hesitate to remind anyone that he could still whoop ass. Shy Boi, 30, was the second youngest of the group. He was equally attractive as Eye Candy, but Eye Candy's youth made him more favored within the group. The leader of the pack, Wisdom was 54, but in just as good a shape as the 20 somethings. These men referred to themselves as the Crooks. To the rest of the prison pop, the name Crooks was in reference to their criminal behavior, but the men knew that the name was in reference to a special trait that all four men had in common.

Eye Candy was the bitch of the group, a position once held by Shy Boi. In exchange for his Lemon yellow ass, these men protected him, supplied him with weed, and helped provide him with knowledge he never possessed on the outside. Wisdom taught him how to read, spell and add numbers. Shy Boi taught him how to lift weights and which exercises would keep his body lean while helping him to maintain a nice juicy booty. Shit Talk taught him to not be ashamed of who and what he was. On the outside he repressed his homosexuality because of his family's judgment. The first time he had sex with Shy Boi, (Which was his first time), Eye Candy knew that he loved dick more than anything in the world. When the two older men had their turn with him, he knew that nothing could ever separate him from this group. Three big crooked dicks were all his any day of the week.

'Maybe he can become one of us.' Suggested Eye Candy.

'Oh you want to fuck him?' asked Shit Talk raising his pimp hand to strike.

'No.' led Eye Candy quickly before Shit talked bitch slapped him again. The one thing Shit Talk did not play was having his bitch slutting around. Eye Candy was property of the Crooks, meaning only he, Shy Boi and Wisdom had rights to that ass.

'You goddamn right you don't want to; matter of fact come, to my cell now.'

'What's going on?' asked Shy Boi the minute Shit Talk entered their cell with a frown on his face and Eye Candy behind him looking afraid for his life.

'Stand watch for me Shy; Candy needs a lesson.'

'Don't fuck his face up.' Said Shy Boi as he left the two of them alone.

'Understand, this ass beating is for your own good' said Shit Talk unfastening his belt.

'Why don't we do this instead?' Grinned Eye Candy dropping to his knees and helping Shit Talk to unfasten his pants. Eye Candy Stroked Shit Talk's cock until it became rock hard and shiny. It was hard to tell exactly how long Shit Talks dick was, since it had a sharp crook in the middle. It looked like a giant root beer flavored candy cane. Eye Candy teased the mushroom head with his tongue for several minutes, loving the way Shit Talk's dick bounced up and down on its own free will. He then took the crooked monster all the way down his throat while caressing Shit Talks balls.

'Hell yea, you pretty mutha fucka! Moaned Shit Talk as he began pounding his cock in and out of Eye Candy's hot mouth, ramming it as far down the boy's throat as the crook would allow. Eye Candy was so turned on by the face pounding he suddenly had the urge to be fucked. He pulled his pants down to his ankles (He never wore under wear) and bent across the cell's commode. Shit talk lubed his dick with the lotion Shy Boi kept on the sink, and then shoved his cock balls deep into the boy's hole causing him to wince in pain. Several ass beatings earlier on had conditioned Eye Candy not to scream out loud while being fucked, no matter how bad it hurt. And it hurt this time because Shit Talk went out of his way to make sure it did. He fucked Eye Candy at a rapid fire pace causing his head to slam into the wall above the toilet. He came so hard it burned Eye Candy's bruised and torn asshole. He snatched out of him causing blood and cum to splatter on the floor. Eye candy's legs were weak and it was several minutes before he could carry out Shit Talk's order to clean up.

'Where the fuck is my thank you?' asked Shit Talk as Eye Candy Cleaned himself then the floor with wet tissue paper. 'I spared you a ass whoopin and I gave you some good dick, you ungrateful bitch.'

'Thank you Shit Talk.' Said Eye Candy

'Now let that dick down cool your pussy off, cause if you go anywhere near that new nigga's dick, you gonna be called Dead Mutha Fucka.

As soon as Shit Talk walked out of his cell he was met by the disapproving face of Wisdom.

'We need to talk.' Said wisdom seizing Shit Talk by the arm and leading him down to his cell. Wisdom's cellmate, Jerome instantly left out when he saw that Wisdom had company. The two had a mutual respect for each other.

'What did you do to that child?' Asked Wisdom once Jerome was gone.

'I was gonna beat his hoish ass, but he turned it up to me, so I fucked him in it instead.'

:'The boy is young; quite naturally he's going to have a wandering eye.'

'If that boy gets all loosey goosey in the ass he'll be putting our lives in danger. I've been in this joint for 16 years and ain't got AIDS.'

'You cannot attack the boy for looking; he's 21, he's going to check out other men, especially the young sexy ones.'

'He did more than check the new nigga out, that boy had fucking on his mind____________'

'He's still a child, Shit Talk.'

'And you gotta beat a child's ass every now and then to keep them in line.' Wisdom couldn't help but laugh at Shit Talk's comment.

He was about to say something when the bell rang for dinner. On the way to the cafeteria he got his first look at the new boy and understood why Shit Talk felt the need to chastise Eye Candy. Bitches like Eye Candy usually fell hard for thuggish looking niggas like him. Even Wisdom found himself enjoying the sight of the brown skinned muscular work of art with a swayed back and a plump ass that probably never had a dick in it. Wisdom could certainly see himself breaking the young thug in. In spite of his own lust, Wisdom too began to get upset when he noticed how Eye Candy looked at the new guy as if he was something good to eat. Those two would be sharing a cell. Wisdom prayed that Eye Candy didn't fuck up and have to be 'dealt with' by the Crooks.

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