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Being young and in love can be a dangerous thing in a prison where men are territorial. The two did the best they could to avoid each other during the day, but they always wound up stealing kisses or feeling each other up in one of the prison's blind spots.

They were both too young and too naïve to do what was required to keep their relationship 100% on the low. Jamal lingered too close to Eye Candy, even when he was with the Crooks. Eye Candy couldn't stop meeting Jamal's stare from across the room. Young love is stupid love in prison.

Eye Candy's mind was reliving a couple of nights prior when Jamal gave him head. It was a new experience for both of them; Jamal had never sucked a dick before and Eye Candy had never had his sucked. Jamal didn't quite know if he did it right , but he loved the taste of Xavier's (He refused to call him Eye Candy) cum.

Eye Candy's brain was rattled by the hard slap upside his head that snapped him out of his pleasant recollection of his first blowjob.

'Ok, your ass can feel , if it can't hear!' said Shit Talk.

'What Shit Talk!' he asked not trying to disguise the annoyance in his voice.

'First off change that snappy ass tone before I put my foot so far up your ass you'll be shitting leather, second, its laundry day, when the fuck your ass gonna get our shit cleaned.'

'Sorry man.' He said taking the bag of laundry Shit Talk held in his hand.

'And hurry the fuck up!' Shit Talk called after him, 'I want my dick sucked at approximately 2 P.M.

'Yes Shit Talk.'

Jamal who was himself heading out to do laundry was pissed off by Shit Talk's crudeness. He shot him a hard look.

'Mother Fucker has your ass got a problem?' asked Shit Talk.

'Yea, I can't stand your ugly black ass.' Jamal got right up in Shit Talk's face. Inmates started to gather. Shit Talk was undefeated in prison fights , if the new boy could take him down, a lot of shit would change. Everybody that wasn't a member of the Crooke secretly rooted for Jamal to whoop that ass. It didn't happen; Jamal swung wildly and Shit Talk nearly knocked him out with a two piece to the nose and jaw before they were separated and each placed in isolation for two weeks.

'You gotta get him out of your system , Candy.' Shy Boi may as well have been talking to a brick wall. Eye Candy was damn near in limbo without Jamal. 'Candy, when your boy and Shit Talk get out of the hole, there is going to be all kinds of hell raised.' No response, Eye Candy continued to stare at nothing as tears rolled silently down his face. 'You're gonna have to get back in Shit Talk's good graces; me and Wisdom we can excuse this one fuck up, but Shit Talk ain't gonna be that easy.' Still nothing.

'The way I think we can get shit right and nobody has to get hurt is, you gotta cut off all communication with Jamal. Wisdom will get the warden to transfer him to anther cell___________'

'Why not just kill me.' Eye Candy finally asked, hoarsely.

'Goddamn it , Candy, this shit just might kill you, you know there are rules.'

'I love him, Shi, I love talking to him, I love being around him, I love fucking him'

Shy Boi smacked Eye Candy so hard bells rang inside his head. 'You fucken nasty ungrateful bitch.'

'I'm not ungrateful Shy; I'm in love.'

'You're in mother fucken prison , Candy; what's love got to do with shit?'

'I'm sorry Shy, but I won't leave him alone.'

'I'm sorry too , Candy, I really want shit to be different; please change your mind.'

'My mind's made up.'

'Damn, Candy.' Said Shy Boi shaking his head. 'You're a lot braver than I gave you credit for.'

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