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The entire prison was buzzing about Twyla's dead body being found in his cell. His face had been cut to ribbons with a piece of broken glass. A shame, because Twyla was stunning for a tranny who did not have access to proper hormone treatments. The most sadistic aspect of his death was that his dick had been cut off and rammed up his ass.

Everybody knew that one or more of the corrections officers has carried out he dastardly deed. Everybody also knew that the Crooks were the ones who ordered the hit. It had gotten back to them from a prisoner who had been in the infirmary that twice Twyla had provided Jamal and Eye Candy access to the infirmary's supply room in exchange for some weed. Twyla aided the Crooks' main enemy to fuck their property in exchange for their weed, which Eye Candy stole from them.

Twyla's death had only been the warning shot. More blood was going to spill. Shit Talk, Wisdom and Shy Boi decided that they had been disrespected enough and it was time to reaffirm that they were the baddest mother fuckers in the joint.

'Candy, you need to come to your cell.' Said Shy Boi interrupting his phone call home.

'Now?' asked Eye Candy covering the mouth piece to the phone. 'I'm talking to my moms.'

'You're going home to her soon.' Said Shy Boil coolly 'Say goodbye.'

Tears stung Eye Candy's face. Shy Boi's words 'You're going home to her soon' could only mean one thing.

'Ma, I'll call ya back.' He lied trying not to let her hear him crying. Without protest or plea, he followed Shy Boi to the cell he and Jamal had shared; the cell he was going to draw his last breath in.

He silent tears had turned to loud sobbing. He was 21 years old and about to die at the hands of the first man he'd ever let have his body.

'Calm yourself.' Said Shy Boi. 'You're going to leave this world with some dignity, not crying like a bitch, now hush that shit up.' Shy Boi wrapped his arms around him to comfort him. Now he himself was crying. 'Goddamn it , Candy, it didn't even have to come to this.'

'Please, please don't fuck my face up; please let my mama be able to show my body.' Sobbed Eye Candy.

'Ok.' Said Shy Boi as he plunged the shank deep into Eye Candy's guts and held it there twisting it , until Eye Candy was lifeless in his arms.

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