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*Josh's POV*

It's really fucking dark.

I can't tell if I'm outside or if I was just really fucking drunk last night. Probably both.

"Do you think he'll get up if I throw a shoe at him?" Somebody said, trying to whisper but obviously failing.

"Well there's only one way too find out." Another person explained.

"AHH FUCK!" I shouted as I woke up instantly to find myself outside of Travis' house in the middle of his creek. Oh shit, it's definitely not dark out. I feel like I have a migraine.

"What the fuck?!? You could have like, lightly shook my shoulder or politely said 'Hey Joshy kins, it's time to get up sweetie!', but you both had to through your shoes at my head?!? What if I got a concussion?!? What if-"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP JOSH." Melanie said pulling her other shoe off and whipping it at my head. I screamed and shielded myself while Ashley just laughed.

Last night is coming back to me now. I remember me, Mel, and Ash all went to one of Travis Barkers famous party's. It was fucking crazy and I'm pretty sure I drank more whiskey than humanly possible.

Mel and Ash are basically my only friends. We do everything together, and I guess you could say we were the burnouts at high school. It's pretty great because no one really messes with us and we basically get away with being high all the time. We still get invited to parties though, but only because we know where to get the good weed.

"JOSH!!" Ash screamed in my face snapping her fingers. "You're zoning out again. It's like 2:00 pm and your moms gonna be fucking pissed."

Oh shit.

"Fuck, oh shit fuck fuck shiiiiiit." I said as I was lifting myself out of the creek. "Bye Mel bye Ash." I stumbled as I tried to run to my house, but I tripped over my feet and quickly pulled myself back up.

I heard Mel just giggle at me while I heard Ash yell in the distance, "It's Halsey now you piece of ass!" I giggle and replied as I kept running towards my house, "Then show me it on your birth certificate" I yelled. Then I was already too far away to hear her response.


I was out of breath as I came to my "house". It was just a trailer in a nasty ass trailer park. I never like being home since my mom is always fucking a different guy every night. And she calls herself a true Christian.

    My mom is the most homophobic woman I know. So that's why right when I turn 18, I'm getting the fuck out of this town. There is no way in hell I'm gonna tell her. Ever.

    As I walk to the door I mentally prepare myself for the scolding that will happen, or the potential that she may be naked and... With a man. I cringe at the thought of seeing that as I turn the door knob and hope that I can get away with sneaking to my room.

    As soon as I enter my eyes widen at the seen in front of me. There, in the small ass living room in my tiny ass trailer, are my mom, some random woman, and my boyfriends mom.

    Oh god. I feel like I'm gonna puke. Where is Oli? Why is mom here? Who the fuck is this woman?

"So you must be Joshua?" The stranger said, and I already hate her and her perky voice. I just slowly shake my head with a weary look on my face. "Well, nice to meet you Joshua!" I cringe as she calls me by my full name. "My name is Lizzy and I am one of the camp leaders at the Twenty One Pilots Christian camp!! I am oh so saddened to inform you that your little boyfriend killed himself, because he couldn't find God. But I promise that I will cure you of your disease before you even think about suicide!!"

     I feel like I'm gonna puke.

     I just stare at the ground thinking of everything she just said. Oli is dead. It's kind of weird that I'm not too upset over it though. We weren't even dating anymore actually. We both didn't feel anything and he told me that he fell in love with some kid named Josh. But then why is his mom here?

     My question was soon answered as his mom started speaking. "Joshua... This is an awkward thing to talk about, but, yes Oliver took his life. Apparently me and his father "stressed him out" too much over being gay. We could have helped him! He could have been cured! But he didn't listen. And in the end he took his life. I snooped through his stuff and saw that you two were a thing at one point. Since me and your mother go way back, I wanted to inform her of your disease before you ended up killing yourself like most of you crazy kids always do!"

     I feel really dizzy.

     "Well Joshua! All your bags are packed and we should be heading off right now! Your gonna have so much fun!" Lizzy said way to happily.

    This felt like a dream. I can't believe this is happening. It just happened way too fast. I stared at my mom as she looked at me with a disgusted glare. The last thing she said to me before Lizzy started to usher me out to the car with all my stuff was "You better be happy I'm not sending you too conversion therapy. If you don't get cured at that camp, then you know what's coming you fag."

     I puked on the floor.


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