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*Josh's POV*

Me and Troye were sitting on the ground in the main camp grounds waiting for the final people to arrive. Everyone was already here and we were just waiting on the guys from the last cabin. Everyone here looked pretty interesting. Me and Troye tried to mingle so we could meet other people and get acquainted. It actually wasn't an all boys camp, and there was a girls cabin on the other side. Which, now that I think about it, it really doesn't make any fucking sense.

We met this one girl named Marina, who was there because she was actually born a male. Honestly, she was very gorgeous, and I felt bad that her parents didn't except her. Also there was Lana who didn't seem to give a shit about anything accept cigarettes, pussy, and getting high on the beach. Then there was this kid named Matty who didn't give a fuck about gender... Or anything really.

     Everyone was just sitting on the grass in the campgrounds talking. Me and Troye were talking about our love for Bernie Sanders.

     "Yeah, my mom wants trump so bad,  (even though were originally Australian and she can't even vote yet) and when Bernie totally demolished him in that debate, I went up to my mom and I was like feel the bern w-" all of the sudden Troye stopped talking and stared straight behind me. Confused, I turned around and saw two boys walking together, conversing about God knows what. Troyes eyes connected with the eyes of the shorter boy, as he stopped walking. Hmm I sense a budding relationship in the near future.

     But as I looked away from him, I noticed the other boy. Damn, was he beautiful. His HIST was so fluffy I could play with it all day. His eyes were a beautiful chocolate brown and he can really pull off that skirt. The hot one shook the small one out of his trance as they walked towards the group and conversed with the others.

     All of the sudden this overly preppy bitch started ringing a cow bell. "Howdy folks! Welcome to the Twenty One Pilots Church Camp! You have all been sent hear because we have been told that y'all are going to hell, and we are hear to change that! My name is Sadie and I am the head of this camp!! Yayyyy!!!" All of the workers started cheering and clapping as everyone in the circle stared at these bitches in awe. I think someone was even crying. 

     "Alrighties! So to start our wonderful adventure off on a happy note, we are all gonna introduce ourselves to the group!"

     "Yay." Matty said in a monotone voice.

     "Well alright young man, why don't you start us off?" 

     "Well, hello gays. I'm Matty, don't call me Matt out I'll slit your throat. I'm 17, and I'm cis and pan."

     "And this is where we come in!" Sadie walked over to Matty and got in his face. She started talking to him like he was a fucking two year old. "Now, that is WRONG. That's what SATAN WANTS YOU TO BELIEVE. You are NOT a sinner."

     Matty just sat there, but I could tell he wanted to beat the shit out of her. We all new the easiest way to get through this is through silence. But sometimes quiet is violent.

     The group went on, introducing themselves. It came finally came to me, and I didn't want to get hates see, so I just said my name is Josh and I play the drums.

     "Okay, last two! Introduce yourself Hun!" 

     "Okay! Hey everyone. My name is Connor! I'm just so PLEASED to be here. I would like to thank my WONDERFUL Mother for giving me this opportunity. Also I am sixteen, and I'm homosexual. Yes, Sadie. You fucking heard that right. IM A FLAMING HOMO." After Connors speech, everyone was speechless, but we all silently thanked him.

     "... Stay after this is over. We're gonna have a talk." Sadie stated. Connor didn't seem phased, after all, he wanted to bug them.

     I saw Troye smiling like an idiot out of the corner of my eye. I need to set these two up.

     "Okay! Last one! Hey him please introdu..."  Sadie slowed down as she looked down at the boys skirt. Oh hell no.

     "Umm hi everyone. My name is Tyler, I'm 16 and I lo-"

     Hoe don't do it.

     "What do you think you're wearing f-" I DONT EVEN KNOW THIS KID BUT HOE I STG.

     "-ag!" Bitch

     The look on TYLERS face when she said that was horrible. Like it brought back horrible memories. I couldn't bear it. I barely even knew the kid, but I felt the urge to protect him.

     So I walked over to Sadie, and pinned her against a wall.





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