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Everyone in the U.S. is scared of the wrong thing right now: terrorism.

Is terrorism scary? Yes. Absolutely. Is it what we should be terrified of? Not really, especially San Bernardino.

San Bernardino was terrifying, and cruel, and horrific, and absolutely heartbreaking. But here's a very scary fact: if terrorists (Obama has referred to it as terrorism so I will state it as such) hadn't carried out the San Bernardino attacks, it would just be another long string of mass shootings.

The scariest thing to me about this attack is not that the people who committed it were Muslims, but because this has happened numerous times before by people of numerous faiths and races.

Just kidding; most mass shootings in the U.S. that are mass publicized are committed by white males. That is statistical fact. So much so that the media was discussing how rare it is for a woman to commit a mass shooting, or be an aid to one.

But due to the fact that the attackers were Muslim, there is now a call to ban Muslims from the country by Resident Asshole, Donald Trump, and harsh measures by other members of the GOP. Hell, even some Democrats are scared now.

Should we ban all white males from entering the country? Why would we pick on one group of people when a large majority of mass shootings are committed by white ma- oh right, the fact that Islamophobia still, for some reason, exists in this goddamn country to a very large extent.

I am by no means saying that white males are bad people; that is obviously not true in an extremely large regard. I'm using that example to show the hypocrisy that people will use. The same people who say we should ban Muslims from the country are the same people who support a person owning a goddamn machine gun thats literal, sole purpose, is to kill a large amount of people with minimal effort.

Banning Muslims from this country will not stop terrorism; it would increase ISIS members. ISIS uses Islamophobia to recruit new members. We are doing exactly what they would want us to do.

We should not be scared of Muslims, as it would lead us into yet another dark age of racism and allow us to fall into the hands of terrorists. Muslims are as good a people as any one of us. The fact is that any person of any faith or race could have committed that atrocity, as shown far too often on the news.

Islamophobes are all scared of the wrong thing, and it is making us far worse of a country for it. 

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