Chapter Seven: Apologies

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Sobatos POV

There she was. Glaravin. I hadn't seen her here since she was 'sick' yesterday. After everything Josephine told me what really happened I didn't really care. If she really didn't want to talk to me ,noone said she had to start problems.

Josephine told me that she went home because she thought that I was going to give her the flowers in public. She didn't want anyone to know about us. She wanted it as a secret.


"I don't have time. Come back later." I said to her.

I didn't want to talk to her. She was gonna see the mean side of me. The side that nobody liked.

" I just wanted to apologise" She said.

"I didn't know what came over me. Yesterday I was just so jelous after the seat thing and then to top it off you giving the flowers chocolates and soda to Mary made me more mad and-" before she could Finnish I cut her off.

"I didn't want Josephine to sit on my seat she just invited herself and the flowers thing... er.. I just wanted to give you the flowers and chocolates because of the whole bus mix up. And I didn't buy Mary the soda she bought it for herself."

As soon as she herd those words her whole face brightened up.

"I..I...didn't know that. I thought that... uh anyway can we start off fresh. Act like none of this happened okay?"

I wanted to accept her offer but I had questions for her myself.

"Why did you go home yesterday?" I blurted out.

"I.. I... I saw you with Mary and I just didnt know how to feel..." She took a large breath.

"I couldn't control my emotions. And I just ran away, like the coward I was."

She had feelings for me?

Before I could answer her the bell rang to signal the end of the day.

"Listen just think about my offer?"she asked me.

I just nodded and she made her way out.


I had an after school class with the Year 11s so I got prepared for that. The whole lesson I couldn't get my mind off of what Glaravin said.

She had feelings for me.

I was smiling uncontrollably the whole class. The funniest part was that all my students noticed I was in a good mood. They were taking advantage and started shouted 'Josephine'.

They didn't even know.

I made my way to the male staffroom grabbed my things and made way to the bus. It was late. I was praying that the bus hadn't gone, and my prayers had been accepted. I walked into the bus and saw Glaravin sitting alone. I followed my instinct and sat next to her and whispered."Yeah I accepted your offer. We can start again" and she smiled. It was the most amazing smile ever.

The bus ride was mostly us just talking about normal things like current events and activities. I was really enjoying myself and then we made it to her stop.

We exchanged goodbyes and made she left. I was staring out the window smiling and thinking about what just happened.

I went home and lied down on the couch. I was exhausted. I showered and changed. I attempted making dinner for myself I was plating up when I herd a knock at my door.

I went to answer it and I saw a sight I hadn't seen in ages. Josephine. I welcomed her in and she sat down. I completely forgot that I had arranged a dinner with her. More like she forced me into. She litterally ambushed me at the library and wouldn't let me out until I agreed.

I was in the kitchen struggling to make a meal when Josephine appeared in the kitchen.

"Let me" She said

"No no no no" I replied " You're my guest I'll make it." I continued.

"I'm not your guest. Fine let's make together." She said.

I didn't want to argue so I just agreed.
I wanted to ask her about why Glaravin had gone home. I didn't want to make a fuss so I just continued making food.

There was a huge mess. I was the one who started it. I smeared sauce all over her face because she called me fat. Dont joke about my weight. Then she took water and poured it all over me. I slapped her on the face. She took it as a joke and just continued her stupidity. I was enjoying beating her.

We made pasta and meatballs and it want that hard actually. She had taught me how to cook.

We ate and laughed the whole night until it was late. I couldn't really stay up that late but she insisted. She suggested that we watch a movie so we watched 'white house down', which she carried continently in her abnormally large bag.

The movie was actually quite interesting....

I was awoken the next morning by a sharp noise. To my surprise Josephine was on my couch. Asleep. I didnt know what to do, untill I was brought back to reality by my alarm.Oh crap! We were late!

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