Chapter Six: Answers

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Glaravins POV

I wasn't really in the mood of going to school today but I had to. I didn't want to go in the bus so I took a motorbike. I hated those kinds of situations.

It was a bumpy ride on a mitorbike but I made it. I entered the ladies staffroom and placed my books and things on the table. I said hi to everyone of the teachers and then walked out to my first class the Year 8s.

For me it was pretty akward to have kiswahili in the morning, I preferred it after break. Not only so I could be the first at the Canteen but also at the female staffroom we were provided with food and I wanted the good stuff.

I made my way to Year 8 and as I was about to go in I locked eyes with someone. I expected him to come straight to me and apologise but then he looked away.

I was shocked and relived. I had no idea what to do. Part of me wanted to ask him and part of me didn't really care.

I walked into Year 8 and began my lesson it was running smoothy until I began hearing voices in the hallway. God dammit! It was the french students.

I rushed into the hallway and caught their attention. They all ran into their class. I hate these undisciplined children. They were very bad and so was their teacher.

He let them free to do whatever they want whatever they pleased. Most children think that's fun but to me it's a waste of time.

They refered to their teacher as 'cool' and said that the had 'swag' terms I was very unfamiliar with.

I walked back into the class and continued my lesson. To my surprise there was no more noises or disturbances so I went on with my class with ease.

I walked into the staffroom and began chatting with my friends.I really liked all the ladies there. We were all really close and shared everything.

We continued on for a while until Josephine entered and I just kept quiet. I made my way out of the staffroom. I had my bread and tea in hand.

I didn't leave because I was weak. No. I left because I had teacher hall duty upstairs in the secondary classes. My job was basically to send anyone who tried to come upstairs back down.

These secondary girls were so rebellious. They literally hid food in their bags, books and even pockets I just let them pass. One day I would catch them In the act.

Break was over and I was so surprised to see the halls emptied so quickly. I walked downstairs and on my way to the staffroom I noticed sobato talking to someone in the library.

I walked closer to only see it was her. She was talking to him. I couldnt stand this anymore. I left. It was like a knife in the gut. A sharp one too.

It was after lunch I decided it was too long. I couldn't keep hiding in here I wasn't going to get any answers if I just stayed here I wasnt gaining anything. I was getting more curious and curious by the second. I wanted to go with my gut.

I needed to freshen up first. After I was done I went bock to the staffroom to place my things. I walked out with confidence and one thing on my mind. One thing only.

I needed to find him. And talk to him I wanted to get answers.

I walked into the males staffroom. There was no one there I walked to the end of the room. I walked around for a while and pushed around afew papers when I herd a sound behind me.

"What are you doing here?"

"I need answers Sobato.I need answers."

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