Chapter 3

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As Alexi walked towards you, you slung to the floor as the three girls started kicking you until you couldn't take the pain and pretended to lose consciousness so they'd leave. A few seconds after they stoped one of them spit at you, most likely Alexi, they started laughing and walked away as the bell rung, you stayed on the floor for a while until the pain started to settle allowing you to crawl over to (BFN), you sat up next to her and gently pulled her into a soft embrace as (BFN) cried. You felt nothing but rage surge through you as you held your injured friend, but not at Alexi or her puppets, you felt angry at yourself for not being able to protect (BFN). You two sat there for an hour until (BFN) fell asleep you gently put her on the grass and took off your bloody, torn sweater and put it on the floor as you took of your tank top and tied it tightly around your stomach to stop the injury from bleeding and then put your sweater back on slowly standing up you emptied out your book bag of all your texts books and school stuff doing the same to (BFN)'s messenger bag. You put on your book bag and then slung (BFN)'s over your shoulder causing it to hit your injured side "AUGH!" You winced as pain surged through you, making you fall to your knees, you stayed there for a bit until the pain started to slowly disappear you walked over to (BFN) and weakly picked her up, she started to wake up as you started walking to the very back of the field so you could get off of school grounds and get to your house, since you lived nearby, "(Y/N) where are you going" (BFN) asked in a weak voice, you looked down at her straining to not drop her "I'm taking you to my house so I can take care of your wounds" you replied as you kept walking, she noticed you were struggling with her and immediately started to get out of your grip "(BFN) STOP WHAT ARE YOU DOING WERE GOING TO FALL!!" You shouted struggling to keep her up you put her on the floor and looked at her confused, "(Y/N) you're more injured than I am I can walk by myself, I'm surprised you could actually carry me I'm like four inches taller than you" she said teasingly as she giggled " wow rude just cause I'm short doesn't mean I'm not strong" you said as you also begun to laugh, although that happy moment was cut short as you heard the bell for second block to commence. " c'mon (Y/N) we have to hurry" you nodded your head in agreement as you slowly stood up and helped her up as well, you both speed walked to the hole in the fence but you had to hold up (BFN) since she had hurt her leg and was limping, after a few minutes you made it to the hole and both carefully crawled through the hole taking the backstreets and alleys to your house so no one would notice you. You had reached your house after 15 minutes of walking, you were both in a lot of pain so you quickly open the door and led her upstairs to your room you went to your bathroom and got the first aid kit tending to your friends wounds afterwards you tended to your own wounds inspecting the cuts on your side that were caused by the glass, you checked to make sure there was no glass in them, of course you did this in the bathroom not wanting (BFN) to notice you had gotten severely injured, you had to put stitches in the larger cut, luckily you used to sow a lot and had to do this to your bro a few times since he used to get into a lot of fights in high school, after you stitched up your wound you got some bandages and wrapped them around your waist, you and Kami spent the rest of the day playing video games and watching anime, the entire time you were thinking what you would say to your brother and suddenly realized school was almost over and he was probably on his way to pick you up " CRAP BRO'S PROBABLY GONNA PICK ME UP SOON I GOTTA CALL HIM!" You said suddenly as you jumped up from your beanbag chair wincing at the sudden jab of pain in your side, you ran to your book bag and got your phone out and started to dial his number "I'll tell my mom to not pick me up either, I'll say I'm sleeping over since it's Friday" (BFN) said as she reached for her phone and started texting her mom, you paced back and forth thinking of what to tell him until he answered, you breathed in as he said
"Hey sis wats up in on my way to get you"

"N-no wait umm, I'm not there I-I didn't go to school today"

"WHAT WHY (Y/N) Dude c'mon you know I don't like leaving you home alone for long periods of time you should have told me I could've picked you up early or something"

"Yea I know but stuff happened before school even started and now me and (BFN) are at home"

"What (BFN) skipped school WITH you,... *sigh* (Y/N) I'm on my way home now... You two better have a good excuse, I don't want to get In trouble with her mom for this"

"She told her mom she's sleeping over"

"Geez ok I'll be there in a few minutes"

You looked down at your phone as he hung up and sighed "What are we gonna tell him" (BFN) said with worry laced in her voice "The truth I guess" you answered as you sit back down, you both stayed there in silence until you heard the front door open and close you held In Your breath worried about what he'd say once he saw how beaten up the two of you were. A Few minutes passed and you could hear foot steps approaching, you looked over at (BFN) as she looked down, her hair acting like a curtain shielding her face from the light in the room. Your bro walked in the door and you looked up and saw the look in his face go from disappointment to worry and anger in under a second "W-WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU TWO, WHO DID THIS TO YOU (Y/N) WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME I WOULD HAVE COME IMMEDIATELY!" His voice was loud and scary but not harsh, you knew he wasn't angry at you two but angry at the ones who did this to you. "S-some girls beat up (BFN) and so I started yelling at them and then they got me angry and I tackled one of them and started fighting them but it was three against one so..." You looked at the disbelief and anger in his eyes as he said "WHAT THE HELL!! C'mon we're going to the school RIGHT NOW!!" Your brother stormed out of the room and you both followed.
You had arrived at your school in only a few minutes, your bro called (BFN)'s mom, she rushed over immediately and as we explained what happened to the principle he told one of the office lady's to call Alexi's parents and her puppets too, a few minutes later they arrived and the principle told us to wait out side his office. After about ten minutes I heard crying and immediately knew it was Alexi and I was sure they were alligator tears, the principle then led the three girls out and told us to sit on the benches in the front of the office while he talked with all the parents.

(Wow I suck, Dirk was supposed to come out this chapter holly crab dad I'm sorry, I'm already starting the next chapter though so hope fully I'll publish it tomorrow)

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