Chapter 4

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After a about thirty minutes of waiting you heard the principle door open and saw Alexi's parents walk out with a sickening smile on their smug ass faces and called to her and left with the other girls and their parents, your brother walked over to you grabbed your hand and left, as you walked towards the car you waved to (BFN) and got in the front seat, the drive home felt long and quite, once you reached the drive way to your house you looked over to your bro who had his head on the steering wheel, you stared awkwardly until finally he said " I'm sorry" you felt a pang of guilt in your gut as he said that and immediately answered " N-no bro don't be it's not your fault you-" he cut you off  "It is my FAULT (y/n)
I-I should've know I should've know"  you sat quietly and responded " I should have told you, it's my fault I should have told you we were being bullied but I didn't want to bother you I knew that the university you wanted to go to was here that the company you wanted to work for was here that's why I agreed to come here in the first place... Please don't feel bad it's not your fault" the both of you sat there quietly for a few seconds until he leaned over and hugged you, you hugged him back and you both stayed like that for a few minutes until he let go and said " I'll find a different school for you in this area and tell (BFN) mom too so you two can keep going to the same school." You nodded and got out of the car, you both walked inside and as you were about to go your separate ways into your own rooms you hugged him tightly and ran into you room.
You were exhausted by every thing that happen today so you took a shower put on some pajamas and threw your self onto your bed falling asleep almost instantly.
~•~•~•~•time skip to midnight•~•~•~•
You hear a strange sound and slowly wake up, as you sit up in your bed rubbing your sleepy eyes you think you see movement in the darkness of your room.
You stare at where you thought you saw something move, but nothing seems to happen so you lean over to your lamp and turn it on as you look back at that spot you see someone with pointy anime shades and spiky blonde hair... WAIT WTF!! You stared at the blonde in disbelief, he looked just like... Dirk from homestuck wtf, you both stayed quiet staring at each other until you realized that it's impossible for Dirk to be real homestuck is fictional and as much as you wish Dirk was real, he's not so the person In front of
you was probably just a really good cosplayer, ok so that's that.
You were still half asleep so the fact that there was a random guy in your room didn't faze you much, until you really though about..... A sudden wave of realization hit you and you felt completely awake as you slowly reached towards your night table to grab whatever you could throw, but he seemed to notice and flash stepped towards you... Wait flash stepped? IM PRETTY SURE THATS NOT POSSIBLE, you brushed it off as you quickly tried to grab the flashlight on your night table but he grabbed your wrist and before you could scream he crashed his lips into yours and grabbed your other wrist before you could do anything else, you blushed furiously, this was your first kiss, you struggled to get out of his grip and tried kicking but he was on your legs, you started shaking your head trying to get your mouth free so you could scream but he just pushed you harder against the backboard of your bed, your head was starting to hurt so you slowly started to loosen up not knowing what else to do, after a few seconds you completely stopped struggling and he seemed to be loosening his grip on you, he slowly parted his lips from yours, once he was a few inches away from your face he whispered "don't scream, I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you" you nodded your head as you realize he was bleeding from a cut on his lips, probably from when he k...kissed you, it felt strange to think that, as soon as he completely let go of you and got off of you, you blurted out the stupidest question ever "Are you really Dirk Strider" he looked at you in confusion "W....what how do... How do you know who I am" you looked at him in disbelief, was he really Dirk Strider, you pointed at the Homestuck poster on your wall and said "you're not supposed to be real" he stared dumbfounded at the poster and then at you, after a few seconds he asked " what's homestuck, why do you have this poster" you stood up in front of him and said "show me proof that your real, that you're the actual Dirk strider first" you crossed your arms and he looked at you confused he then made a serious fave and took of his shades, his eyes were a mesmerizing orange "th...they're, they're not real" you said in disbelief, they couldn't be real, He couldn't be real, you must have been dreaming this couldn't be happening, he sighed and poked his eye " OW.... They're not contacts, this is my real eye color believe me or not I don't care, but I showed you proof now tell me what's Homestuck, why do you know who I am" you stared at him as he put his shades back on and then walked to your laptop, you couldn't believe he was but you wanted to believe it so you did, you turned on your laptop and searched homestuck and then clicked on MS Paint Adventures and explained to him that it was a webcomic and he shouldn't be real, you showed him all the fanart and a picture of Hussie and some of the pages that he came out in, every now and then he'll say he remembers when that happened, that all of that happened.
After a few minutes of him reading through a bit of it he sat down on the floor and started explaining how he ended up in our dimension, or timeline or something, and how he thinks everyone else is here somewhere too but he has no way of reaching them, you stood up from your chair and told him that if he wanted too he could stay in your closet and that in the morning you'd help him look for everyone else, he thanked you and laid down in the floor of your closet, gave him a pillow and a blanket, closed the closet door and laid down in your bed, you stared at the ceiling and wondered if you were gonna wake up in the morning and realize this was just a really weird dream.

Parted Between Realities (a DirkxReader)Where stories live. Discover now