Chapter 7

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You slowly opened your eyes and squinted, letting your eyes adjust to the bright light of your room. Once your eyes got accustomed to the light you began to try and sit up but flinched and let out a gasp from sudden pain it your side, you realized you were wearing one of your oversized sweaters but didn't remember putting it on, you pulled the sweater up just enough  to see a ripped up shirt around your stomach. You recognized the shirt to be dirks but you thought it was one of yours, since you of course had quite a few of his shirt cuz what kind of fangirl wouldn't? You let your sweater fall back down to your stomach as you slowly attempted to get out of bed, once you had your legs hanging from the side of your bed you winced and paused for a bit, letting the pain reside. Once you finally got up on your feet you started walking, well more limping then walking, towards your bathroom and got some pain killers from under your sink, you swallowed two and then drank some water from the faucet. You felt like shot and looked over at the clock if your room "shit, it's already two? What the fuck?..." you suddenly noticed that'd you didn't see Dirk anywhere but by this point you stopped doubting his existence and just walked out to the living room to look for him, you limped all over you house but couldn't find him and started to get a bit worried, thoughts ran through your head as you wandered back to your room, what if he really doesn't exist, am I insane? What if he left cuz I'm too much trouble to handle? I was just getting in the way anyways... as you walked back to your room you decided to look at your wound so you cautiously unwrapped the shirt and tossed it into the sink, you looked down at the wound and noticed all the blood stains around the wound and dried blood forming over the wound, you decided you needed to take a shower so you carefully put you sweater over your wound and opened the shower curtains to find a... shirtless.... sleeping Dirk, you immediately felt your self heat up and felt the blush rising to your cheeks and ears, you very loudly and quickly closed the curtains to hear a startled Dirk curse as he woke up "shit fuck... umm... girl?" You blurted out your name as you once again realized he didn't know your name yet "(y/n)!.... my.. my name is (y/n)!" Dirk opened the curtains and averted his gaze from you as he responded with" oh, yea sorry I never actually asked you your name, (y/n)." You looked down at him slightly confused as to why he wasn't looking at you as he talked. He notices your confused look when he slightly glances at your face and points at you sweater as he says " I'm guessing your unaware about the fact that you don't have pants on, or you just don't care, but I'm pretty sure it's the first one." You stare at him for a few seconds before realization actually hits you and you make an attempt to pull your sweater down but in said attempt you end up just hurting your wound more and Dirk seems to realize since he very quickly stood up from the tub and looked you in the eyes as his hands hovered right over your arms " hey hey your pretty badly cut, you shouldn't make such sudden movements." You nodded as you winced from the pain " I... I took out your stitches because they were just cutting through your skin since I'm guessing you made some bad movements or something causing your wound to open a bit... you should shower and wash it off and bandage it with whatever you can until you can get it stitched again and bandaged" you looked at him and nodded and replied " I can stitch it myself, but I'm out of alcohol and bandages... they're a pharmacy just down the block, if it's not too much to ask can you maybe go down and get some for me, I'll give some cash I have so you can go while I shower" Dirk agreed and walked out of the bathroom, you followed behind to get your wallet from your drawer and handed him some money " ok i should be back soon, try not to open your injury up too much again." He looked at you with a slightly amused small smile playing at his lips, you nodded in agreement and before he left your room you called out to him " Hey wait umm Dirk you're... you're not wearing a-a shirt" you blushed profusely as you said that and made sure to keep your gaze up and away from his bare skin " oh yea I ripped up my shirt to use as a temporary bandage for you, I didn't want to rip up any of your shirts or anything since i might have ended up using a shirt you really liked or something" he rubbed the back of his neck as he said this, you let out a small "oh" and  walked over to your closet, none of your shirts would properly fit him but you were lucky that you had just recently 'accidentally' ended up with one of your bros sweater in your closet ( really you had just taken it from the dryer while he was washing his clothes but no one needs to know that) you took the sweater off the hangar and tossed it over to him " here you can wear this for now, it's my brothers so be careful with it, I'll buy you a new shirt as thanks. You felt bad that he had to use his iconic shirt for your bloody wound. Dirk put the sweater on and said thanks as he walked out the door, the sweater had fit him perfectly. Once you heard the front door close you walked over to your bathroom, cautiously undressed once again and sat in your bath tub letting the water run over your body as you tried putting your head on your knees, but of course that didn't work and you felt immediate pain and gave up and just leaned on the tub and looked up to the ceiling as you thought over your life choices cuz shit were you a fucking mess at that moment.

Parted Between Realities (a DirkxReader)Where stories live. Discover now