Part 6

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After you finished your delicious pancakes you got up and put the plate in the sink then told Dirk you were gonna go shower without looking at him, you sped over to your room closed the door and started throwing you clothes off and into a basket and jumped into the shower. After turning on the water and letting it run down your body you felt a pang of pain on your stomach from the cut, you look down and shed a few tears of pain as you very foolishly decided to poke the cut. Once you get out of the shower you dry off and start crying again because you're retarded and brushed your towel against your cut quite violently. Blood started coming out of the cut again and you started freaking out not knowing what to do, you had completely forgotten that you weren't alone in the house and made no effort to cry quietly , due to that you suddenly heard footsteps approaching the door to your bathroom very quickly and you then heard a loud knock followed by dirks worried voice " Hey are you ok in there I cN here you crying and don't try to tell me otherwise, what's going on!!?" You immediately stop crying and hold in you sobs and tears and put on underwear and bra but in you hurry you make a wrong movement and make a small yelp as you fall to the floor. More blood seeps from the wound AMD droplets land on the floor, you let out a stifled sob as tears start streaming down your face. You hear the doorknob begin to rattle and Dirk bangs on the door calling out to you again, more worried then before now " HEY ARE YPU OK....IM COMING IN IDC WHAT YOU SAY!" You say nothing but let out another sob as you hear Dirk attempt to kick te door in, you can't take the pain anymore and after a few kicks he finally kicks open the door completely breaking the lock and you stop your attempts at getting up and just completely fall to the floor. Dirk hurried over to you and sits you up but as you grunt in pain he sets you back down and moves your bloody hand from the wound " holly shit this isn't a cut this is a fucking gash, and the stitches don't seem to be holding, fuck do you have bandages, where are they?" you wearily shake your head, you had used them all on you and your best friend the day before, you hear Dirk mutter a quick "fuck" as he picks up your towel from the floor and sets it on your bed he then proceeds to very carefully pick you up from the floor and set you on top of the towel on your bed you let out a few gasps of pain and he mutters an apology, as he says you down you notice the slightest blush on his face and even through his dark shades you can see that he's avoiding eye contact, you then realize that your in nothing but panties and a bra and can do nothing but think curses to your self. " I'm gonna look for something you can use as a bandage for now ok, don't move" Dirk says to you as he rushes to your bathroom and starts rummaging under your sink and in your drawers looking for some sort of bandage,the pain doesn't fade away and you slowly pass out as you hear Dirk faintly calling out to you, you realize he doesn't know your name.

I'm really sorry that I haven't updated in over a year. I have no excuse I sorta just forgot that this was a thing and that I had wattpad, and I never thought this many people would pay attention to my start or actually like it, I'm going to try and update more often, also sorry it was so short, I sorta forgot where I was going with this story and came up with this chapter on the spot. Anyways I'm once agAin sorry and hope your still interested in my story and I hope you enjoy! c:

Parted Between Realities (a DirkxReader)Where stories live. Discover now