Goodbye Hogwarts

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Blakey's P.O.V 

Cedric was dead. 

Voldemort took his life. 

And I was sick to my stomach. 

Not only was a student killed but it was someone I knew, someone I was close to. I got two hours of sleep and it was going to make me late for the train. 

Finally getting up out of bed, I was the only one left in the room. Crap. 

I rushed into the shower and let the hot steamy water run down my back. Last night's events kept playing back in my head, including me telling George I loved him. At least one good thing happened last night. 

Enjoying the warm water for a couple more minutes, I suddenly fell to the ground. Laying down next to the drain, noticed my hair was a mix of blue and green. Oh no. 

Leaning up on my elbows, I noticed a Gold and blue tail flipping back and forth that matched the blue seashell bra.

Flipping the dial back with my tail, the water shut off abruptly and I crawled to the shower door. Opening it up, I grabbed my towel off the hook and started frantically drying my tail off. 

Why wasn't it working! 

I crawled the rest of the way out of the bathroom and yelled for help. 


Reaching up on the bed, I grabbed my wand and went to the stairs. 

"Glisseo" I stated. 

The stairs turned into a ramp. 


Sliding down on my back, I reached the common room in time to see the back of Dean Thomas's head about to disappear into the hallway. 

"DEAN!" I screamed causing him to jump. 

Turning around, Dean looked at me wide-eyed. 

"SEAMUS!" Dean called out the door. 

Entering the common room, Seamus gave me the same look as Dean. 

"Blimey Blake, what did you get yourself into this time!" Seamus exclaimed, kneeling down to get on my level. 

"I have no idea! Im usually so good at controlling when I turn but this time, it was out of the blue and I won't turn back" I explained. 

Seamus looked back at Dean for a second before he set himself into action. 

"Where is your trunk?" He asked 

"The train already, why?" I answered 

"Good, means we have less to carry" He smiled, picking me up in his arms. 

I gave him a worried look, "Where are George and Fred?" 

"You mean, Fred and George? They are already on the train" Dean answered. 

Im glad they waited for me...... 

"Dean, Grab that blanket and drape it over her........ummmmm......tail?" Seamus said, afraid to offend me. 

"Tail" I chuckled. 

Pulling the blanket over most of my tail, Seamus carried me to the exit and down the hill. 

"You know, you can take a break" I chuckled. 

"That's insulting Blake. Im strong enough to carry you to the train, you do only weight like 90 pounds" He teased.

Stepping up to the train, everyone stared. 


"Exucse us" Seamus sneered as he pushed through the crowd. 

On the train, we looked for an empty compartment to lay me down in. Finally finding one, Seamus layed me down on the booth and sat opposite me. I tore off the blanket and threw it on the ground. 

"This sucks" I whined, crossing my arms. 

"Hey, It's not so bad. How many people can say they can breath underwater?" He chuckled. 

Seamus actually was making me feel better, despite my growing anger toward George.

How could he leave without me and then not even bother to look for me on the train.

The whole ride, Seamus and I laughed at each other having a good ol time. 

George who? 

Forgot all about him. 

"Ok, Ok, Ogre or Dragon?" Seamus asked. 

"Ummmmm.......Ogre, they are so dumb. They'd be easy to fight" I laughed. 

"HEY! Im not so bright doesnt mean I dont know how to win at a fight" 

"At least we know you can rhyme" I stated, smiling big at him. 

Right at that moment, George passed by our compartment followed by Angelina Johnson. 

My heart broke. 

Just last night I spilled my heart out to him and now he's parading around the compartments with Johnson. 

Seamus must have noticed the look on my face because he had the same one on his face. 

"You deserve better" He mumbled, looking down at his hands. 

Before I had time to speak, George burst into the compartment and kneeled down by my side. 

"Blakely! What happened!" He grabbed my hand but I snatched it back. 

"None of your concern. Seamus is taking care of me" I stated. 

Looking back at Seamus, George gave him a nasty glare. "Thanks Seamus but I can take it from here." 

Watching Seamus stand up, I hurried and shooed George away. 

"NO, Seamus you stay! George I want you out, go back to Johnson and leave us alone" I was crying a little bit but my voice stayed stern. 

Knowing he was about to deny being with her, I stopped him. 

"I saw you two. I guess you only love me when it's convient for you" I stated. 

"It's always convient for me" He snarled, before walking out of the compartment. 

As soon as George stepped out, I could feel my tail fadding away. 

Grabbing the blanket off the ground I wrapped it around my waist and waited for my legs to appear. 

Finally about to feel my toes, I stood up and ran to Seamus. 

I cried into his shoulder and let him comfort my broken heart.

Reaching the station, Seamus and I stood and exited the compartment. 

Grabbing my trunk on the way off the train, Seamus handed it to me. 

"Don't let this ruin your summer" He stated. 

"I'll write you every week" I smiled. 

"You better or I'll send you howlers in the middle of the night" He threatened. 

Hugging Seamus one last time, I kissed him on the cheek and ran off to say goodbye to Ron, Harry, and Hermione. 

Finding them, I wrapped all three into a huge hug and promised to write. 

Ginny was next and made me promise to come home for my birthday. 

Fred gave me a wet willy and promised this summer, he would send me a letter. 

Yeah, Right. 

Walking away from the platform, I left George with nothing but a sour look. 

He can take that however he wants.

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