Catching Up...

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“Why’d you do it?” she asked me as we laid in bed together. We had taken a shower and were now cuddling in her bed; she had on a panty and bra set and I only had on some basketball shorts she gave me.

“I told you why.” I said softly as she rested her head on my bare chest tracing my tattoo with her finger tip.

“Well did you know it was me when you saw me?” she asked.

I took a deep breath and admitted, “Yeah, I did.” She sucked in a breath and looked up at me with hurt in her eyes before sitting up and facing me.

“And you still did it? How could you do that to me?” she pleaded, tears running down her checks. I sat up and looked her in her eyes and began to plead with her.

“TraShae you have to know that it wasn’t personal; it was strictly business. I swear. If it makes you feel any better, I was supposed to kill you but I didn’t. I didn’t because it was YOU and I couldn’t kill you Shae you just gotta believe that I wouldn’t hurt you.” I begged glossy eyed my damn self.

“But you did Marcus.” She said to me, still shedding tears.

“I know that but it won’t happen again. Please just give me chance to show you that I won’t Shae.” I breathed reaching out and bringing her hands into mine. She searched my eyes before leaning in and kissing me long and passionately. She broke the kiss and took a deep breath before lying back down on the bed and I did the same pulling her back onto my chest.

“You still my human diary?” she asked with a slight smile on her lips.

“Of course.” I told her playing in her hair.

“Well you have a lot to catch up on.” She stated before telling me all the things she experienced through the past eight years we’d been apart and it was really hard on her and Damien and I felt guilty for not being there for her. It was good that she had Jace and Tori by her side the whole time though.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you through all that.” I told her still playing in her hair as she shrugged. We sat there silently for a few minutes.

“What about you?” she asked and I began to tell her about my life; about how my dad had died (which she already knew) and about the struggles of getting your own business, dodging bullets (and hoes) and every other hardship I’d experienced. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there to hold you down and be your thug bitch or your R.O.D.” she laughed and I did too.

“It’s cool baby. You here now, that’s all that matters.” I told her looking down at her to see her blushing and smiling. “What about Xavier, how’d you meet him?” I asked her after realizing that she had completely left him out of the 8 year equation. I felt her body tense up when I mentioned him and I looked down at her to see that her eyes had gone distant and she didn’t respond for a while. “It’s alright if you don’t want to-“ I started but she cut me off.

“It’s alright.” She said beginning to trace my tattoo again. “We met at school, senior year. He was so sweet and nice and romantic in his own way you know? Our first date was to the fair and we were having a good time there until some bitch showed up talking about how he had just fucked her before he came and just disrespecting me in my face. I just walked away from them and he went with her and when he came back I could smell that bitch on him. It was as clear as day and I was so mad and I felt so disrespected. I told Jace and everybody and Damien basically told me that I wasn’t allowed to talk to him anymore cause he slang for him or that he would whoop my ass, and you know Pooh, he’ll do it. So I was at his house for a party and he showed up and apologized and I accepted his apology and we started talking again until Pooh seen us and made this big ass scene about it in front of everyone at the party. I just went in the house and cried cause he told me if I didn’t he was gone whoop my ass and I guess he fought Zay cause when I seen him again his face was fucked up but Pooh ain’t have not one scratch. Pooh apologized and said that I could talk to him but he still wouldn’t like him.  Blah blah blah, finally got together and it was so hard Marcus you wouldn’t believe how many rumors I would here about him with other girls daily but I never believed them because in my mind, Xavier Cross could do no wrong. Then one night we went out to the movies and I saw Derick, you remember him,” I nodded. “we started talking and catching up cause I hadn’t seen him in a long time. I guess he got mad or whatever and just snatched me away from Derick and basically dragged me to his car and threw me in. I was so mad and I didn’t say a word to him and he didn’t to me until we got to my apartment. We started arguing and I hit him a few times but it wasn’t like a serious hit, it was just a few shoves you know? Then he said something, I can’t remember, but I know I slapped him and I slapped him hard as hell too then he called me bitch and he punched me in my face, bruising my nose. He tried apologizing but I wasn’t hearing that shit and just went in the house and Jace saw the bruise and I just played it off. Then another time he brought me to his trap and I saw him sniff coke and it scared me cause I ain’t never seen that before. Then somebody came in saying that ‘money has arrived’ and he left and not too long after that I started hearing moaning and yelling but I just ignored it, thinking it was actual money that had come to the trap. Then the same dude came in and tried to rape me, long story short, they killed his ass, Zay and his boys.” She paused. I can’t believe that nigga put hands on her, I swear I was gone make it a personal goal to end his life.

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