Coming Together and Falling Apart...

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I woke up in the bed and looked over next to me to see that Tori wasn’t next to me anymore but I just shrugged it off when I heard someone downstairs in the kitchen and I began to smell food. I yawned and stretched and thanked God for letting me see another beautiful day before rubbing my belly. I got out of bed and made my way into the bathroom and brushed my teeth before taking a quick shower.

“I made that tea thing for you and I made breakfast boo!” Tori informed me poking her head into the bathroom. “Oh and your phone is ringing off the damn hook.” She added popping back in.

“Ok thanks!” I yelled after her walking into my room to put on a black panty and bra set with pink lace and ribbons on them as my phone constantly rung. I got annoyed and just went over to answer it. “What?!” I answered with an attitude not looking at the caller ID.

“That’s how we answer the phone now?” Marcus’ voice said through the phone and a slight smile came to my face as I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen.

“I’m sorry but why yo ass blwoin’ up my phone?” I asked stealing a piece of bacon off of Tori’s plate.

“Bitch it’s some more in the kitchen! And where yo clothes at?” she asked sounding just like Pooh.

“We needa talk.” He said seriously into the phone.

“Yeah we do, me you and Pooh.” I said taking a sip of the warm ‘tea’ I drink almost every morning for my sickness. “Come over here at like…” I said since I didn’t have anything to do today.

“Iight then ima see you later, love you.” He said.

“Ok, love you too.” I replied hanging up the phone and making my plate just as Pooh, his boys and Jace burst into the front door loud as hell. “Damn niggas y’all don’t knock?” I sassed not trying to cover up my half naked body.

“And females walk around the house in bra and panties and shit?” Pooh retorted sticking his tongue out a me.

“Damn Shae, you sexy as fuck.” Jordan said looing me up and down licking his lips just as Pooh and Jace hit him upside his head at the same time making everyone laugh.

“Put on some damn clothes.” Pooh ordered me and I rolled my eyes.

“After I eat.” I said sitting in Tori’s lap and beginning to eat.

“Ok, like it just ain’t no more chairs in here.” She laughed.

“But I wanna sit on you!” I whined kissing her on the cheek.

“Aww you can sit here!” she said smiling.

“Gay asses…” Omar teased.

“Hollaback Shae, she mine get yo own.” He said and I shot a bird at him.

“Whateva nigga she was mine before she was yours.” I said to him and he laughed and I continued to eat my food.

“Y’all niggas must have already eaten?” Tori asked referring to them not charging into the kitchen all at once.

“Yeah we ate while y’all trynna be funny.” Jace said to her. I looked over at him as he laughed and joked with the other boys when we locked eyes and his smile faded but reappeared when he broke our gaze. I put my head down and continued to eat my food as my eyes got watery.

I finished eating my food and put the dishes in the sink and began to wash them and hum, taking my mind off everything. When I was finished I walked silently and sadly upstairs and to my room and closed the door so that I could put on some clothes but my emotions came over me and I started crying sitting on the edge of my bed. I don’t know how long I was sitting there before there was a soft knock on the door.

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